API Docs for: 1.0.0

gallery-querybuilder Module

Widget which allows user to build a list of query criteria, e.g., for searching. All the conditions are either AND'ed or OR'ed. For a more general query builder, see gallery-exprbuilder.

This module is a rollup of the following modules:

  • gallery-querybuilder-daterange
    Plugin for accepting date/time range. The value argument passed to QueryBuilder.appendNew() must be an array with two elements: [ start_date, end_date ]. var_config accepts show_time, start_config, end_config. The configs must define objects: Calendar, InputCalendarSync, DateTime, date_InputPopup, time_InputPopup. op_list must be an array: [ greater_than, less_than ].
  • gallery-querybuilder-multiselect-input
    Plugin for accepting multiple strings from a specified list. In the var_list configuration, specify value_list as a list of strings. If there is more than one operator specified for this plugin, then they are displayed on a menu. The value argument passed to QueryBuilder.appendNew() must be an array with two elements: [ operator_name, value_list ], where value_list is an array of strings. If you specify autocomplete.containerClassName in the var_list configuration, this CSS class will be added to the container generated by the autocomplete plugin.