API Docs for: 1.0.0

File: src/gallery-treeble/js/TreebleParser.js

 * @module gallery-treeble

 * <p>Converts data to a DataSource.  Data can be an object containing both
 * `dataType` and `liveData`, or it can be <q>free form</q>, e.g., an array
 * of records or an XHR URL.</p>
 * @class Parsers

 * @method treebledatasource
 * @static
 * @param oData {mixed} Data to convert.
 * @return {DataSource} The new data source.
Y.namespace("Parsers").treebledatasource = function(oData)
	if (!oData)
		return null;

	var treeble_config = this.get('host').treeble_config;

	var type = oData.dataType || treeble_config.dataSourceType;
	if (type)
		// use it
	else if (Y.Lang.isString(oData))
		type = 'IO';
	else if (Y.Lang.isFunction(oData))
		type = 'Function';
		type = 'Local';

	var src = oData.dataType ? oData.liveData : oData;
	if (type == 'Local')
		treeble_config = Y.clone(treeble_config, true);
		delete treeble_config.startIndexExpr;
		delete treeble_config.totalRecordsExpr;
	else if (type == 'Function')
		src = Y.Lang.isString(src) ? window[ src ] : src;

	var ds = new Y.DataSource[ type ](
		source:   src,
		ioConfig: treeble_config.dataSourceIOConfig

	ds.treeble_config = treeble_config;

	if (ds.treeble_config.schemaPluginConfig)
		ds.plug(Y.clone(ds.treeble_config.schemaPluginConfig, true));

	if (ds.treeble_config.cachePluginConfig)
		ds.plug(Y.clone(ds.treeble_config.cachePluginConfig, true));

	return ds;