API Docs for: 1.0.0

File: src/gallery-treeble/js/TreebleDataSource.js

"use strict";

 * @module gallery-treeble

 * <p>Hierarchical data source.</p>
 * <p>TreebleDataSource converts a tree of DataSources into a flat list of
 * visible items.  The merged list must be paginated if the number of child
 * nodes might be very large.  To turn on this feature, set
 * paginateChildren:true.</p>
 * <p>The tree must be immutable.  The total number of items available from
 * each DataSource must remain constant.  (The one exception to this rule
 * is that filtering and sorting are allowed.  This is done by detecting
 * that the request parameters have changed.)</p>
 * @namespace DataSource
 * @class Treeble
 * @extends DataSource.Local
 * @constructor
 * @param config {Object}

function TreebleDataSource()
	TreebleDataSource.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

TreebleDataSource.NAME = "treebleDataSource";

TreebleDataSource.ATTRS =
	 * <p>The root datasource.</p>
	 * <p>You <em>must</em> directly set a `treeble_config` object on this
	 * datasource.  (You cannot use `set('treeble_config',...)`.)  By
	 * setting it on each datasource, we allow hetrogeneous datasources to
	 * be displayed in a single tree. `treeble_config` can contain the
	 * following configuration:</p>
	 * <dl>
	 * <dt>generateRequest</dt>
	 * <dd>(required) The function to convert the initial request into
	 *		a request usable by the actual DataSource.  This function takes
	 *		two arguments: state (sort,dir,startIndex,resultCount) and path
	 *		(an array of node indices telling how to reach the node).
	 *		</dd>
	 * <dt>requestCfg</dt>
	 * <dd>(optional) Configuration object passed as `cfg` to `sendRequest`.</dd>
	 * <dt>schemaPluginConfig</dt>
	 * <dd>(required) Object to pass to `plug` to install a schema.</dd>
	 * <dt>cachePluginConfig</dt>
	 * <dd>(optional) Object to pass to `plug` to install a cache.</dd>
	 * <dt>childNodesKey</dt>
	 * <dd>(semi-optional) The name of the key inside a node which contains
	 *		the data used to construct the DataSource for retrieving the children.
	 *		This config is only required if you provide a custom parser.</dd>
	 * <dt>nodeOpenKey</dt>
	 * <dd>(optional) The name of the key inside a node which contains
	 *		the initial open state of the node.  If it is true, the node will
	 *		automatically be opened the first time it is shown.  (After that,
	 *		it will remember the state set by the user.)</dd>
	 * <dt>startIndexExpr</dt>
	 * <dd>(optional) OGNL expression telling how to extract the startIndex
	 *		from the received data, e.g., `.meta.startIndex`.  If it is not
	 *		provided, startIndex is always assumed to be zero.</dd>
	 * <dt>totalRecordsExpr</dt>
	 * <dd>(semi-optional) OGNL expression telling how to extract the total number
	 *		of records from the received data, e.g., `.meta.totalRecords`.
	 *		If this is not provided, `totalRecordsReturnExpr` must be
	 *		specified.</dd>
	 * <dt>totalRecordsReturnExpr</dt>
	 * <dd>(semi-optional) OGNL expression telling where in the response to store
	 *		the total number of records, e.g., `.meta.totalRecords`.
	 *		This is only appropriate for DataSources that always return the
	 *		entire data set.  If this is not provided, `totalRecordsExpr` must
	 *		be specified.  If both are provided, `totalRecordsExpr` takes
	 *		priority.</dd>
	 * </dl>
	 * @attribute root
	 * @type {DataSource}
	 * @writeonce
		writeOnce: true

	 * Pass `true` to paginate the result after merging child nodes into
	 * the list.  The default (`false`) is to paginate only root nodes, so
	 * all children are visible.
	 * @attribute paginateChildren
	 * @type {boolean}
	 * @default false
	 * @writeonce
		value:     false,
		validator: Y.Lang.isBoolean,
		writeOnce: true

	 * The key in each record that stores an identifier which is unique
	 * across the entire tree.  If this is not specified, then all nodes
	 * will close when the data is sorted.
	 * @attribute uniqueIdKey
	 * @type {String}
		validator: Y.Lang.isString

 * @event toggled
 * @description Fires after an element is opened or closed.
 * @param path {Array} the path to the toggled element
 * @param open {Boolean} the new state of the element


	Each element in this._open contains information about an openable,
	top-level node and is the root of a tree of open (or previously opened)
	items.  Each node in a tree contains the following data:

		index:      {Number} sorting key; the index of the node
		open:       null if never opened, true if open, false otherwise
		ds:         {DataSource} source for child nodes
		childTotal: {Number} total number of child nodes
		children:   {Array} (recursive) child nodes which are or have been opened
		parent:     {Object} parent item
		id:         {String} the unique id, if uniqueIdKey has been set

	Each level is sorted by index to allow simple traversal in display


function populateOpen(
	/* object */	parent,
	/* array */		open,
	/* object */	req)
	var data            = req.data,
		start_index     = req.start,
		child_nodes_key = req.ds.treeble_config.childNodesKey,
		node_open_key   = req.ds.treeble_config.nodeOpenKey;

	for (var j=0; j<open.length; j++)
		if (open[j].index >= start_index)

	var unique_id_key = this.get('uniqueIdKey');

	var result = true;
	for (var k=0; k<data.length; k++)
		var i = start_index + k;
		var ds = data[k][ child_nodes_key ];
		if (!ds)

		while (j < open.length && open[j].index < i)
			open.splice(j, 1);
			result = false;

			if (unique_id_key)
				delete this._open_cache[ data[k][ unique_id_key ] ];

		if (j >= open.length || open[j].index > i)
			var item =
				index:      i,
				open:       null,
				ds:         ds,
				children:   [],
				childTotal: 0,
				parent:     parent

			var cached_item = null;
			if (unique_id_key)
				item.id = data[k][ unique_id_key ].toString();

				cached_item = this._open_cache[ data[k][ unique_id_key ] ];
				if (cached_item)
					item.open       = cached_item.open;
					item.childTotal = cached_item.childTotal;
					this._redo      = this._redo || item.open;

				this._open_cache[ data[k][ unique_id_key ] ] = item;

			if (!cached_item && node_open_key && data[k][ node_open_key ])

			open.splice(j, 0, item);


	return result;

// TODO: worth switching to binary search?
function searchOpen(
	/* array */	list,
	/* int */	node_index)
	for (var i=0; i<list.length; i++)
		if (list[i].index == node_index)
			return list[i];

	return false;

function getNode(
	/* array */	path)
	var list = this._open;
	for (var i=0; i<path.length; i++)
		var node = searchOpen(list, path[i]);
		if (!node)
			return false;
		list = node.children;

	return node;

function countVisibleNodes(

	// not sent by initiator

	/* array */ open)
	var total = 0;
	if (!open)
		open  = this._open;
		total = this._topNodeTotal;

	if (this.get('paginateChildren'))
		for (var i=0; i<open.length; i++)
			var node = open[i];
			if (node.open)
				total += node.childTotal;
				total += countVisibleNodes.call(this, node.children);

	return total;

function requestTree(flush_toggle)
	if (!flush_toggle)
		var save_toggle = this._toggle.slice(0);


	if (!flush_toggle)
		this._toggle = save_toggle;

	this._redo                = false;
	this._generating_requests = true;

	var req = this._callback.request;
	if (this.get('paginateChildren'))
		this._slices = getVisibleSlicesPgAll(req.startIndex, req.resultCount,
											 this.get('root'), this._open);
		this._slices = getVisibleSlicesPgTop(req.startIndex, req.resultCount,
											 this.get('root'), this._open);

	requestSlices.call(this, req);

	this._generating_requests = false;

function getVisibleSlicesPgTop(
	/* int */			skip,
	/* int */			show,
	/* DataSource */	ds,
	/* array */			open,

	// not sent by initiator

	/* array */			path)
	open = open.concat(
		index:      -1,
		open:       true,
		childTotal: 0,
		children:   null

	if (!path)
		path = [];

	var slices = [],
		send   = false;

	var m = 0, prev = -1, presend = false;
	for (var i=0; i<open.length; i++)
		var node = open[i];
		if (!node.open)

		var delta = node.index - prev;

		if (m + delta >= skip + show ||
			node.index == -1)
				ds:    ds,
				path:  path.slice(0),
				start: send ? m : skip,
				end:   skip + show - 1

			if (m + delta == skip + show && node.childTotal > 0)
				slices = slices.concat(
					getVisibleSlicesPgTop(0, node.childTotal, node.ds,
										  node.children, path.concat(node.index)));

			return slices;
		else if (!send && m + delta == skip)
			presend = true;
		else if (m + delta > skip)
				ds:    ds,
				path:  path.slice(0),
				start: send ? prev + 1 : skip,
				end:   m + delta - 1
			send = true;

		m += delta;

		if (send && node.childTotal > 0)
			slices = slices.concat(
				getVisibleSlicesPgTop(0, node.childTotal, node.ds,
									  node.children, path.concat(node.index)));

		prev = node.index;
		send = send || presend;

function getVisibleSlicesPgAll(
	/* int */			skip,
	/* int */			show,
	/* DataSource */	root_ds,
	/* array */			open,

	// not sent by initiator

	/* array */			path,
	/* node */			parent,
	/* int */			pre,
	/* bool */			send,
	/* array */			slices)
	if (!parent)
		path   = [];
		parent = null;
		pre    = 0;
		send   = false;
		slices = [];

	var ds = parent ? parent.ds : root_ds;

	open = open.concat(
		index:      parent ? parent.childTotal : -1,
		open:       true,
		childTotal: 0,
		children:   null

	var n = 0, m = 0, prev = -1;
	for (var i=0; i<open.length; i++)
		var node = open[i];
		if (!node.open)

		var delta = node.index - prev;
		if (node.children === null)
			delta--;	// last item is off the end

		if (pre + n + delta >= skip + show ||
			node.index == -1)
				ds:    ds,
				path:  path.slice(0),
				start: m + (send ? 0 : skip - pre - n),
				end:   m + (skip + show - 1 - pre - n)

			return slices;
		else if (!send && pre + n + delta == skip)
			send = true;
		else if (pre + n + delta > skip)
				ds:    ds,
				path:  path.slice(0),
				start: m + (send ? 0 : skip - pre - n),
				end:   m + delta - 1
			send = true;

		n += delta;
		m += delta;

		if (node.childTotal > 0)
			var info = getVisibleSlicesPgAll(skip, show, root_ds, node.children,
											 node, pre+n, send, slices);
			if (Y.Lang.isArray(info))
				return info;
				n   += info.count;
				send = info.send;

		prev = node.index;

	// only reached when parent != null

	var info =
		count: n,
		send:  send
	return info;

function requestSlices(
	/* object */	request)
	for (var i=0; i<this._slices.length; i++)
		var slice = this._slices[i];
		var ds    = slice.ds;
		var req   = findRequest.call(this, ds);
		if (req)
			if (Y.Console)
				if (req.end+1 < slice.start)
					Y.error('TreebleDataSource found discontinuous range');

				if (req.path.length != slice.path.length)
					Y.error('TreebleDataSource found path length mismatch');
					for (var j=0; j<slice.path.length; j++)
						if (req.path[j] != slice.path[j])
							Y.error('TreebleDataSource found path mismatch');

			req.end = slice.end;
				ds:    ds,
				path:  slice.path,
				start: slice.start,
				end:   slice.end

	request = Y.clone(request, true);
	for (var i=0; i<this._req.length; i++)
		var req             = this._req[i];
		request.startIndex  = req.start;
		request.resultCount = req.end - req.start + 1;

		req.txId = req.ds.sendRequest(
			request: req.ds.treeble_config.generateRequest(request, req.path),
			cfg:     req.ds.treeble_config.requestCfg,
				success: Y.rbind(treeSuccess, this, i),
				failure: Y.rbind(treeFailure, this, i)

function findRequest(
	/* DataSource */	ds)
	for (var i=0; i<this._req.length; i++)
		var req = this._req[i];
		if (ds == req.ds)
			return req;

	return null;

function treeSuccess(e, req_index)
	if (!e.response || e.error ||
		treeFailure.apply(this, arguments);

	var req = searchTxId(this._req, e.tId, req_index);
	if (!req)
		return;		// cancelled request

	if (!this._topResponse && req.ds == this.get('root'))
		this._topResponse = e.response;

	req.txId  = null;
	req.resp  = e.response;
	req.error = false;

	var data_start_index = 0;
	if (req.ds.treeble_config.startIndexExpr)
		data_start_index = Y.Object.evalGet(req.resp, req.ds.treeble_config.startIndexExpr);

	var slice_start_index = req.start - data_start_index;
	req.data              = e.response.results.slice(slice_start_index, req.end - data_start_index + 1);
	setNodeInfo.call(this, req.data, req.start, req.path, req.ds);

	var parent = (req.path.length > 0 ? getNode.call(this, req.path) : null);
	var open   = (parent !== null ? parent.children : this._open);
	if (!populateOpen.call(this, parent, open, req))
		treeFailure.apply(this, arguments);

	if (!parent && req.ds.treeble_config.totalRecordsExpr)
		this._topNodeTotal = Y.Object.evalGet(e.response, req.ds.treeble_config.totalRecordsExpr);
	else if (!parent && req.ds.treeble_config.totalRecordsReturnExpr)
		this._topNodeTotal = e.response.results.length;


function treeFailure(e, req_index)
	var req = searchTxId(this._req, e.tId, req_index);
	if (!req)
		return;		// cancelled request


	this._callback.error    = e.error;
	this._callback.response = e.response;
	this.fire('response', this._callback);

function setNodeInfo(
	/* array */			list,
	/* int */			offset,
	/* array */			path,
	/* datasource */	ds)
	var unique_id_key = this.get('uniqueIdKey'),
		node_open_key = ds.treeble_config.nodeOpenKey,
		set_open      = unique_id_key && node_open_key && this._open_ids.length > 0;

	var depth = path.length;
	for (var i=0; i<list.length; i++)
		list[i]._yui_node_depth = depth;
		list[i]._yui_node_path  = path.concat(offset+i);
		list[i]._yui_node_ds    = ds;

		if (set_open)
			var k = list[i][ unique_id_key ],
				j = this._open_ids.indexOf(k.toString());
			if (j >= 0)
				list[i][ node_open_key ] = true;
				this._open_ids.splice(j, 1);

function searchTxId(
	/* array */	req,
	/* int */	id,
	/* int */	fallback_index)
	for (var i=0; i<req.length; i++)
		if (req[i].txId === id)
			return req[i];

	// synch response arrives before setting txId

	if (fallback_index < req.length &&
		Y.Lang.isUndefined(req[ fallback_index ].txId))
		return req[ fallback_index ];

	return null;

function checkFinished()
	if (this._generating_requests)

	var count = this._req.length;
	for (var i=0; i<count; i++)
		if (!this._req[i].resp)

	if (this._redo)
		Y.Lang.later(0, this, requestTree);
	else if (this._toggle.length > 0)
		var t = this._toggle.shift();
		this.toggle(t, Y.clone(this._callback.request, true),
			fn: function()
				Y.Lang.later(0, this, requestTree);
			scope: this

	var response = { meta:{} };
	Y.mix(response, this._topResponse, true);
	response.results = [];
	response         = Y.clone(response, true);

	count = this._slices.length;
	for (i=0; i<count; i++)
		var slice = this._slices[i];
		var req   = findRequest.call(this, slice.ds);
		if (!req)
			Y.error('Failed to find request for a slice');

		var j    = slice.start - req.start;
		var data = req.data.slice(j, j + slice.end - slice.start + 1);

		response.results = response.results.concat(data);

	var root_ds = this.get('root');
	if (root_ds.treeble_config.totalRecordsExpr)
		Y.Object.evalSet(response, root_ds.treeble_config.totalRecordsExpr, countVisibleNodes.call(this));
	else if (root_ds.treeble_config.totalRecordsReturnExpr)
		Y.Object.evalSet(response, root_ds.treeble_config.totalRecordsReturnExpr, countVisibleNodes.call(this));

	this._callback.response = response;
	this.fire('response', this._callback);

function toggleSuccess(e, node, completion, path)
	if (node.ds.treeble_config.totalRecordsExpr)
		node.childTotal = Y.Object.evalGet(e.response, node.ds.treeble_config.totalRecordsExpr);
	else if (node.ds.treeble_config.totalRecordsReturnExpr)
		node.childTotal = e.response.results.length;

	node.open     = true;
	node.children = [];

		path: path,
		open: node.open

function toggleFailure(e, node, completion, path)
	node.childTotal = 0;

	node.open     = true;
	node.children = [];

		path: path,
		open: node.open

function complete(f)
	if (Y.Lang.isFunction(f))
	else if (f && f.fn)
		f.fn.apply(f.scope || window, Y.Lang.isUndefined(f.args) ? [] : f.args);

function compareRequests(r1, r2)
	var k1 = Y.Object.keys(r1),
		k2 = Y.Object.keys(r2);

	if (k1.length != k2.length)
		return false;

	for (var i=0; i<k1.length; i++)
		var k = k1[i];
		if (k != 'startIndex' && k != 'resultCount' && r1[k] !== r2[k])
			return false;

	return true;

Y.extend(TreebleDataSource, Y.DataSource.Local,
	initializer: function(config)
		if (!config.root)
			Y.error('TreebleDataSource requires DataSource');

		if (!config.root.treeble_config.childNodesKey)
			var fields = config.root.schema.get('schema').resultFields;
			if (!fields || !Y.Lang.isArray(fields))
				Y.error('TreebleDataSource root DataSource requires schema.resultFields because treeble_config.childNodesKey was not specified.');

			for (var i=0; i<fields.length; i++)
				if (Y.Lang.isObject(fields[i]) && fields[i].parser == 'treebledatasource')
					config.root.treeble_config.childNodesKey = fields[i].key;

			if (!config.root.treeble_config.childNodesKey)
				Y.error('TreebleDataSource requires treeble_config.childNodesKey configuration to be set on root DataSource');

		if (!config.root.treeble_config.generateRequest)
			Y.error('TreebleDataSource requires treeble_config.generateRequest configuration to be set on root DataSource');

		if (!config.root.treeble_config.totalRecordsExpr && !config.root.treeble_config.totalRecordsReturnExpr)
			Y.error('TreebleDataSource requires either treeble_config.totalRecordsExpr or treeble_config.totalRecordsReturnExpr configuration to be set on root DataSource');

		this._open       = [];
		this._open_cache = {};
		this._open_ids   = [];
		this._toggle     = [];
		this._req        = [];

	 * @method isOpen
	 * @param path {Array} Path to node
	 * @return {boolean} true if the node is open
	isOpen: function(path)
		var list = this._open;
		for (var i=0; i<path.length; i++)
			var node = searchOpen(list, path[i]);
			if (!node || !node.open)
				return false;
			list = node.children;

		return true;

	 * Toggle the specified node between open and closed.  When a node is
	 * opened for the first time, this requires a request to the
	 * DataSource.  Any code that assumes the node has been opened must be
	 * passed in as a completion function.
	 * @method toggle
	 * @param path {Array} Path to the node
	 * @param request {Object} {sort,dir,startIndex,resultCount}
	 * @param completion {Function|Object} Function to call when the operation completes.  Can be object: {fn,scope,args}
	 * @return {boolean} false if the path to the node has not yet been fully explored or is not openable, true otherwise
	toggle: function(path, request, completion)
		var node = getNode.call(this, path);
		if (!node)
			return false;

		if (node.open === null)
			request.startIndex  = 0;
			request.resultCount = 0;
				request: node.ds.treeble_config.generateRequest(request, path),
				cfg:     node.ds.treeble_config.requestCfg,
					success: Y.rbind(toggleSuccess, this, node, completion, path),
					failure: Y.rbind(toggleFailure, this, node, completion, path)
			node.open = !node.open;

				path: path,
				open: node.open
		return true;

	 * @method getOpenNodeIds
	 * @return {Array} id's of open nodes
	getOpenNodeIds: function()
		if (!this.get('uniqueIdKey'))
			return [];

		function collectOpenIds(open)
			return Y.reduce(open, [], function(list, node)
				if (node.open)
					list = list.concat(collectOpenIds(node.children));
				return list;

		return collectOpenIds(this._open);

	 * @method setOpenNodeIds
	 * @param {Array} id's of nodes that should be opened
	setOpenNodeIds: function(ids)
		if (Y.Lang.isArray(ids) &&
			this.get('uniqueIdKey') && this.get('root').treeble_config.nodeOpenKey)
			this._open_ids = ids;

	 * @method flushCache
	 * @param path {Array} Path to node
	flushCache: function(path, send_request)
		var node = getNode.call(this, path);
		if (node && node.ds)
			if (node.ds.cache)

			var was_open = node.open;
			node.open    = null;
			if (was_open)
				this.toggle(path, {}, send_request);

	_defRequestFn: function(e)
		// wipe out all state if the request parameters change

		if (this._callback && !compareRequests(this._callback.request, e.request))
			this._open = [];

		this._callback = e;
		requestTree.call(this, true);

	_cancelAllRequests: function()
		this._req    = [];
		this._toggle = [];
		delete this._topResponse;

Y.TreebleDataSource = TreebleDataSource;
Y.namespace('DataSource').Treeble = TreebleDataSource;