API Docs for: 1.0.0

File: src/gallery-treeble/js/Treeble.js

 * Treeble displays a tree of data in a table.
 * @module gallery-treeble
 * @main gallery-treeble

 * Extension to DataTable for displaying tree data.
 * @class Treeble
 * @extends DataTable
 * @constructor
 * @param config {Object}
function Treeble()
	Treeble.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Treeble.NAME = "datatable";		// same styling

Treeble.ATTRS =
	 * Object returned by saveOpenState(), used to initialize the open
	 * elements.
	 * @attribute openState
	 * @type Object
	 * @writeonce
		writeOnce: true

	 * Message displayed below the last row if paginating children.  The
	 * message must include `<a href="{href}" class="{css}">` to
	 * provide a link to go to the next page.
	 * @attribute moreRowsMessage
	 * @type String
		validator: function(s)
			return (Y.Lang.isString(s) &&
					s.indexOf('<a href="{href}" class="{css}">') >= 0);

 * The class added to rows created by this plugin.
 * @property Y.RowExpansion.row_class
 * @type {String}
 * @value "row-expansion"
Treeble.more_row_class = 'row-more-items';

 * Formatter for open/close twistdown.
 * @method twistdownFormatter
 * @static
 * @param send_request {Function} Function that reloads DataTable
Treeble.buildTwistdownFormatter = function(send_request)
	return function(o)

		var ds  = this.datasource.get('datasource');
		var key = ds.get('root').treeble_config.childNodesKey;

		if (o.data[key])
			var path = o.data._yui_node_path;

				ds.isOpen(path) ? 'row-open' : 'row-closed');

			YUI.Env.add(o.td.getDOMNode(), 'click', function()
				ds.toggle(path, {}, send_request);

			o.cell.set('innerHTML', '<a class="treeble-expand-nub" href="javascript:void(0);"></a>');

		var more_rows_msg = this.get('moreRowsMessage');
		if (o.rowIndex === 0 && more_rows_msg && ds.get('paginateChildren') &&
			this.paginator && this.paginator.get('paginator').hasNextPage())
			var self  = this,
				tbody = o.td.ancestor('tbody');

			if (this._treeble_more_rows_task)

			this._treeble_more_rows_task = Y.Lang.later(0, null, function()
				self._treeble_more_rows_task = null;

				var row = tbody.get('lastElementChild'),
					c   = self.getClassName('next-page');

				var row_class =
					row.get('className').indexOf('-even') >= 0 ?
						'yui3-datatable-odd' : 'yui3-datatable-even';

				var more_row = Y.Lang.sub(
					'<tr class="{css}">' +
						'<td colspan="{span}" class="yui3-datatable-cell">{text}</td>' +
						css:  row_class + ' ' + Treeble.more_row_class,
						span: row.get('childElementCount'),
						text: Y.Lang.sub(more_rows_msg,
							href: 'javascript:void(0);',
							css:  c


				tbody.one('a.' + c).on('click', function(e)

					var pg = self.paginator.get('paginator');
					pg.setPage(pg.getCurrentPage() + 1);

		return false;	// discard Y.Node instances

 * Default formatter for indented column.
 * @method treeValueFormatter
 * @static
Treeble.treeValueFormatter = function(o)
	var depth_class = 'treeble-depth-'+o.data._yui_node_depth;
	o.rowClass     += ' ' + depth_class;
	o.className    += ' treeble-value';
	return '<span class="'+depth_class+'">'+o.value+'</span>';

 * Add node id's to an existing openState object.
 * @method augmentOpenState
 * @static
 * @param open_state {Object} opaque object containing the open state of all the nodes
 * @param ids {Array} list of ids to add to the open state
Treeble.augmentOpenState = function(open_state, ids)
	if (open_state && Y.Lang.isArray(open_state.ids))
		open_state.ids = open_state.ids.concat(ids);

Y.extend(Treeble, Y.DataTable,
	plug: function(plugin, config)
		if (plugin.NAME === Y.Plugin.DataTableDataSource.NAME)
			var recordType = this.get('recordType');
			recordType.ATTRS[ config.datasource.get('root').treeble_config.childNodesKey ] = {};
			recordType.ATTRS._yui_node_path  = {};
			recordType.ATTRS._yui_node_depth = {};

			var open_state = this.get('openState');
			if (open_state && Y.Lang.isArray(open_state.ids))

		Treeble.superclass.plug.apply(this, arguments);

	 * @method saveOpenState
	 * @return {Object} opaque object containing the open state of all the nodes
	saveOpenState: function()
		var state =
			ids: this.datasource.get('datasource').getOpenNodeIds()
		return state;

Y.Treeble = Treeble;