API Docs for: 1.0.0

File: src/gallery-table-utils/js/utils.js

"use strict";

 * @module gallery-table-utils

 * <p>Utilities for tables.</p>
 * @main gallery-table-utils

 * Saves the current vertical scroll position and listens for the
 * appropriate event to trigger restoring the position.
 * @method preserveScrollPosition
 * @static
 * @param table {Widget} DataTable or BulkEditor
 * @param type {String} "table" or "bulkeditor"
Y.preserveScrollPosition = function(table, type)
	var n = table.get('contentBox').one('.yui3-datatable-y-scroller');
	if (n)
		type = 'table';
	else if (type == 'bulkeditor')
		n = table.get('boundingBox').ancestor();

	var pos =
		x: n.get('scrollLeft'),
		y: n.get('scrollTop')

	if (type == 'table')
		var h1 = table.datasource.get('datasource').once('response', function()
			restoreScrollPosition(table, pos, type);

		var h2 = table.once('renderView', function()
			restoreScrollPosition(table, pos, type);
	else if (type == 'bulkeditor')
		table.once('pageRendered', function()
			restoreScrollPosition(table, pos, type);

function restoreScrollPosition(table, pos, type)
	Y.later(0, null, function()
		if (type == 'table')
			var n = table.get('contentBox').one('.yui3-datatable-y-scroller');
		else if (type == 'bulkeditor')
			var n = table.get('boundingBox').ancestor();

		if (n)
			n.set('scrollLeft', pos.x);
			n.set('scrollTop',  pos.y);