API Docs for: 1.0.0

File: src/gallery-scrollintoview/js/ScrollIntoView.js

"use strict";

 * @module gallery-scrollintoview

var scrollBodyParent = (YUI.Env.UA.gecko > 0 || YUI.Env.UA.opera > 0);

 * Only scrolls if the object is not currently visible.
 * This requires that all scrollable elements have position:relative.
 * Otherwise, this algorithm will skip over them with unpredictable
 * results.
 * @main gallery-scrollintoview
 * @class Node~scrollIntoView

function scrollContainer(node)
	var info = node.scrollIntoViewData;
	while (1)
		var hit_top = (info.a.offsetParent === null);

		var a = Y.one(info.a),
			b = (a.getDOMNode() === Y.config.doc.body),
			w = b ? Y.DOM.winWidth() : info.a.clientWidth,
			h = b ? Y.DOM.winHeight() : info.a.clientHeight;
		if (info.a.scrollWidth - a.horizMarginBorderPadding() > w ||
			info.a.scrollHeight - a.vertMarginBorderPadding() > h)
		else if (hit_top)
			node.scrollIntoViewData = null;
			return false;

		info.r.move(info.a.offsetLeft - info.a.scrollLeft, info.a.offsetTop - info.a.scrollTop);
		info.a = info.a.offsetParent || info.a.parentNode;

	var scrollX = (hit_top ? Y.config.doc.documentElement.scrollLeft || Y.config.doc.body.scrollLeft : info.a.scrollLeft);
	var scrollY = (hit_top ? Y.config.doc.documentElement.scrollTop || Y.config.doc.body.scrollTop : info.a.scrollTop);

	var d =
		top:    scrollY,
		bottom: scrollY + (hit_top ? Y.DOM.winHeight() : info.a.clientHeight),
		left:   scrollX,
		right:  scrollX + (hit_top ? Y.DOM.winWidth() : info.a.clientWidth)

	if (hit_top && info.margin)
		d.top    += info.margin.top    || 0;
		d.bottom -= info.margin.bottom || 0;
		d.left   += info.margin.left   || 0;
		d.right  -= info.margin.right  || 0;

	var dy = 0;
	if (a.getStyle('overflowY') == 'hidden')
		// don't scroll
	else if (info.r.top < d.top)
		dy = info.r.top - d.top;
	else if (info.r.bottom > d.bottom)
		dy = Math.min(info.r.bottom - d.bottom, info.r.top - d.top);

	var dx = 0;
	if (a.getStyle('overflowX') == 'hidden')
		// don't scroll
	else if (info.r.left < d.left)
		dx = info.r.left - d.left;
	else if (info.r.right > d.right)
		dx = Math.min(info.r.right - d.right, info.r.left - d.left);

	if (hit_top)
		if (dx || dy)
			if (info.anim)
				var body = Y.one('body');
				if (scrollBodyParent)
					body = body.get('parentNode');

					node: body,
						scrollLeft: body.get('scrollLeft') + dx,
						scrollTop:  body.get('scrollTop') + dy

				info.anim.once('end', function()
				window.scrollBy(dx, dy);
		else if (info.anim)
			Y.later(0, null, function()

		node.scrollIntoViewData = null;
		return false;

	if (dx || dy)
		if (info.anim)
				node: Y.one(info.a),
					scrollLeft: info.a.scrollLeft + dx,
					scrollTop:  info.a.scrollTop + dy

			info.anim.once('end', function()
				info.r.move(info.a.offsetLeft - info.a.scrollLeft, info.a.offsetTop - info.a.scrollTop);
				info.a = info.a.offsetParent;
			info.a.scrollLeft += dx;
			info.a.scrollTop  += dy;

			info.r.move(info.a.offsetLeft - info.a.scrollLeft, info.a.offsetTop - info.a.scrollTop);
			info.a = info.a.offsetParent;
	else if (info.anim)
		Y.later(0, null, function()
			info.r.move(info.a.offsetLeft - info.a.scrollLeft, info.a.offsetTop - info.a.scrollTop);
			info.a = info.a.offsetParent;
		info.r.move(info.a.offsetLeft - info.a.scrollLeft, info.a.offsetTop - info.a.scrollTop);
		info.a = info.a.offsetParent;

	return true;

 * To receive notification of when the animation finishes, subscribe to the
 * event `scrollIntoViewFinished` on the Y.Node instance.  For consistency,
 * this event always fires, even without animation.
 * If you modify the ancestor chain while the animation is running, the
 * results will be unpredictable.
 * @method scrollIntoView
 * @param [config] configuration
 * @param [config.anim] true to use default duration and easing, or object
 * @param [config.anim.duration] duration of animation
 * @param [config.anim.easing] easing used during animation
 * @param [config.margin] viewport margins, to avoid ending up under an element with `position:fixed`
 * @param [config.margin.top] top margin (px)
 * @param [config.margin.bottom] bottom margin (px)
 * @param [config.margin.left] left margin (px)
 * @param [config.margin.right] right margin (px)
 * @chainable
Y.Node.prototype.scrollIntoView = function(config)
	if (this.scrollIntoViewData)
		return this;

	var ancestor = this.get('offsetParent');
	if (!ancestor)
		return this;

	var r =
		top:    this.get('offsetTop'),
		bottom: this.get('offsetTop') + this.get('offsetHeight'),
		left:   this.get('offsetLeft'),
		right:  this.get('offsetLeft') + this.get('offsetWidth')

	r.move = function(
		/* int */	dx,
		/* int */	dy)
		this.top    += dy;
		this.bottom += dy;
		this.left   += dx;
		this.right  += dx;

	this.scrollIntoViewData =
		a: ancestor.getDOMNode(),
		r: r

	config                         = config || {};
	this.scrollIntoViewData.margin = config.margin;

	if (config.anim)
		var anim_config = {};
		if (Y.Lang.isObject(config.anim))
			Y.mix(anim_config, config.anim);
		this.scrollIntoViewData.anim = new Y.Anim(anim_config);

		while (scrollContainer(this))
			// do it again

	return this;