API Docs for: 1.0.0

File: src/gallery-quickedit/js/QuickEdit.js

"use strict";

 * @module gallery-quickedit

 * <p>The QuickEdit plugin provides a new mode for DataTable where all
 * values in the table can be edited simultaneously, controlled by the
 * column configuration.  Each editable cell contains an input field.  If
 * the user decides to save the changes, then you can extract the changed
 * values by calling <code><i>dt</i>.qe.getChanges()</code>.</p>
 * <p>For a column to be editable in QuickEdit mode, the column
 * configuration must include <code>quickEdit</code>.  The contents of
 * this object define the column's behavior in QuickEdit mode.</p>
 * <p>To move up or down within a column while in QuickEdit mode, hold down
 * the Ctrl key and press the up or down arrow.</p>
 * <p>If a column should not be editable, but needs to be formatted
 * differently in QuickEdit mode, then you must define qeFormatter in
 * the column configuration. This is simply a normal cell formatter
 * function that will be used in QuickEdit mode.  The static functions
 * <code>readonly*Formatter</code> provide examples.</p>
 * <p>The following configuration can be provided as part of
 * quickEdit:</p>
 * <dl>
 * <dt>changed</dt><dd>Optional.  The function to call with the old and new
 * value.  Should return true if the values are different.</dd>
 * <dt>formatter</dt><dd>The cell formatter which will render an
 * appropriate form field: &lt;input type="text"&gt;, &lt;textarea&gt;,
 * or &lt;select&gt;.</dd>
 * <dt>validation</dt><dd>Validation configuration for every field in
 * the column.</dd>
 * <dt>copyDown</dt><dd>If true, the top cell in the column will have a
 * button to copy the value down to the rest of the rows.</dd>
 * </dl>
 * <p>The following configuration can be provided as part of
 * quickEdit.validation:</p>
 * <dl>
 * <dt>css</dt><dd>CSS classes encoding basic validation rules:
 *  <dl>
 *  <dt><code>yiv-required</code></dt>
 *      <dd>Value must not be empty.</dd>
 *  <dt><code>yiv-length:[x,y]</code></dt>
 *      <dd>String must be at least x characters and at most y characters.
 *      At least one of x and y must be specified.</dd>
 *  <dt><code>yiv-integer:[x,y]</code></dt>
 *      <dd>The integer value must be at least x and at most y.
 *      x and y are both optional.</dd>
 *  <dt><code>yiv-decimal:[x,y]</code></dt>
 *      <dd>The decimal value must be at least x and at most y.  Exponents are
 *      not allowed.  x and y are both optional.</dd>
 *  </dl>
 * </dd>
 * <dt>fn</dt><dd>A function that will be called with the DataTable as its
 * scope and the cell's form element as the argument. Return true if the
 * value is valid. Otherwise, call this.qe.displayMessage(...) to display
 * an error and return false.</dd>
 * <dt>msg</dt><dd>A map of types to messages that will be displayed
 * when a basic or regex validation rule fails. The valid types are:
 * required, min_length, max_length, integer, decimal, and regex.
 * There is no default for type regex, so you must specify a message if
 * you configure a regex validation.</dd>
 * <dt>regex</dt><dd>Regular expression that the value must satisfy in
 * order to be considered valid.</dd>
 * </dl>
 * <p>Custom QuickEdit Formatters</p>
 * <p>To write a custom cell formatter for QuickEdit mode, you must
 * structure the function as follows:</p>
 * <pre>
 * function myQuickEditFormatter(o) {
 * &nbsp;&nbsp;var markup =
 * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'&lt;input type="text" class="{yiv} quickedit-field quickedit-key:{key}" value="{value}"/&gt;' +
 * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'{cd}' + Y.Plugin.DataTableQuickEdit.error_display_markup;
 * &nbsp;&nbsp;var qe = o.column.quickEdit;
 * &nbsp;&nbsp;return Y.Lang.sub(markup, {
 * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;key: o.column.key,
 * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;value: o.value.toString().replace(/"/g, '&quot;'),
 * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yiv: qe.validation ? (qe.validation.css || '') : '',
 * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cd: QuickEdit.copyDownFormatter.call(this, o)
 * &nbsp;&nbsp;});
 * };
 * </pre>
 * <p>You can use textarea or select instead of input, but you can only
 * create a single field.</p>
 * <p><code>extractMyEditableValue</code> does not have to be a separate
 * function. The work should normally be done inline in the formatter
 * function, but the name of the sample function makes the point clear.</p>
 * @main gallery-quickedit
 * @class DataTableQuickEdit
 * @namespace Plugin
 * @extends Plugin.Base
 * @constructor
 * @param config {Object} Object literal to set component configuration.
function QuickEdit(config)
	QuickEdit.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);

QuickEdit.NAME = "QuickEditPlugin";
QuickEdit.NS   = "qe";

QuickEdit.ATTRS =
	 * @attribute changesAlwaysInclude
	 * @description Record keys to always include in result from getChanges().
	 * @type Array
		value:     [],
		validator: Y.Lang.isArray

	 * @attribute includeAllRowsInChanges
	 * @description If true, getChanges() returns a record for every row, even if the record is empty.  Set to false if you want getChanges() to only return records that contain data.
	 * @type Boolean
	 * @default true
		value:     true,
		validator: Y.Lang.isBoolean

	 * @attribute includeRowIndexInChanges
	 * @description If true, getChanges() includes the row index in each record, using the _row_index key.
	 * @type Boolean
	 * @default false
		value:     false,
		validator: Y.Lang.isBoolean

var quick_edit_re          = /quickedit-key:([^\s]+)/,
	qe_row_status_prefix   = 'quickedit-has',
	qe_row_status_pattern  = qe_row_status_prefix + '([a-z]+)',
	qe_row_status_re       = new RegExp(Y.Node.class_re_prefix + qe_row_status_pattern + Y.Node.class_re_suffix),
	qe_cell_status_prefix  = 'quickedit-has',
	qe_cell_status_pattern = qe_cell_status_prefix + '([a-z]+)',
	qe_cell_status_re      = new RegExp(Y.Node.class_re_prefix + qe_cell_status_pattern + Y.Node.class_re_suffix);

 * The CSS class that marks the container for the error message inside a cell.
 * @property error_text_class
 * @static
 * @type {String}
QuickEdit.error_text_class = 'quickedit-message-text';

 * The markup for the container for the error message inside a cell.
 * @property error_display_markup
 * @static
 * @type {String}
QuickEdit.error_display_markup = '<div class="quickedit-message-text"></div>';

 * The CSS class that marks the "Copy Down" button inside a cell.
 * @property copy_down_button_class
 * @static
 * @type {String}
QuickEdit.copy_down_button_class = 'quickedit-copy-down';

 * Called with exactly the same arguments as any other cell
 * formatter, this function displays an input field.
 * @method textFormatter
 * @static
 * @param o {Object} standard DataTable formatter data
QuickEdit.textFormatter = function(o)
	var markup =
		'<input type="text" class="{yiv} quickedit-field quickedit-key:{key}" value="{value}"/>' +
		'{cd}' + QuickEdit.error_display_markup;

	var qe = o.column.quickEdit;
	return Y.Lang.sub(markup,
		key:   o.column.key,
		value: o.value.toString().replace(/"/g, '&quot;'),
		yiv:   qe.validation ? (qe.validation.css || '') : '',
		cd:    QuickEdit.copyDownFormatter.call(this, o)

 * Called with exactly the same arguments as any other cell
 * formatter, this function displays a textarea field.
 * @method textareaFormatter
 * @static
 * @param o {Object} standard DataTable formatter data
QuickEdit.textareaFormatter = function(o)
	var markup =
		'<textarea class="{yiv} quickedit-field quickedit-key:{key}">{value}</textarea>' +
		'{cd}' + QuickEdit.error_display_markup;

	var qe = o.column.quickEdit;
	return Y.Lang.sub(markup,
		key:   o.column.key,
		value: o.value,
		yiv:   qe.validation ? (qe.validation.css || '') : '',
		cd:    QuickEdit.copyDownFormatter.call(this, o)

 * Called with exactly the same arguments as any other cell
 * formatter, this function displays an email address without the
 * anchor tag.  Use this as the column's qeFormatter if the column
 * should not be editable in QuickEdit mode.
 * @method readonlyEmailFormatter
 * @static
 * @param o {Object} standard DataTable formatter data
QuickEdit.readonlyEmailFormatter = function(o)
	return (o.value || '');		// don't need to check for zero

 * Called with exactly the same arguments as any other cell
 * formatter, this function displays a link without the anchor tag.
 * Use this as the column's qeFormatter if the column should not be
 * editable in QuickEdit mode.
 * @method readonlyLinkFormatter
 * @static
 * @param o {Object} standard DataTable formatter data
QuickEdit.readonlyLinkFormatter = function(o)
	return (o.value || '');		// don't need to check for zero

 * Copy value from first cell to all other cells in the column.
 * @method copyDown
 * @private
 * @param e {Event} triggering event
function copyDown(e)
	var cell  = e.currentTarget.ancestor('.yui3-datatable-cell');
	var field = cell.one('.quickedit-field');
	if (!field)

	var value = Y.Lang.trim(field.get('value'));
	if (!value && value !== 0)

	while (1)
		cell = this.getCell(cell, 'below');
		if (!cell)

		field = cell.one('.quickedit-field');
		if (field)
			field.set('value', value);

 * Inserts a "Copy down" button if the cell is in the first row of the
 * DataTable.  Call this at the end of your QuickEdit formatter.
 * @method copyDownFormatter
 * @static
 * @param o {Object} cell formatter object
 * @param td {Node} cell
QuickEdit.copyDownFormatter = function(o, td)
	if (o.column.quickEdit.copyDown && o.rowIndex === 0)
		return Y.Lang.sub('<button type="button" title="Copy down" class="{c}">&darr;</button>',
			c: QuickEdit.copy_down_button_class
		return '';

function wrapFormatter(editFmt, origFmt)
	return function(o)
		if (!o.record && Y.Lang.isString(origFmt))
			return origFmt;
			return (o.record ? editFmt : origFmt).apply(this, arguments);

 * Shift the focus up/down within a column.
function moveFocus(e)
	var cell = this.getCell(e.target, e.charCode == 38 ? 'above' : 'below');
	if (cell)
		var input = cell.one('.quickedit-field');
		if (input)

 * Parse the column configuration for easy lookup.
function parseColumns()
	var forest = this.get('host').get('columns');
	var map    = {};

	function accumulate(list, node)
		if (Y.Lang.isString(node))
			var col = { key: node };
			map[node] = col;
		else if (node.children)
			list = Y.reduce(node.children, list, accumulate);
			map[ node.key ] = node;

		return list;

	this.column_list = Y.reduce(forest, [], accumulate);
	this.column_map  = map;

 * Validate the given form fields.
 * @method validateElements
 * @private
 * @param e {Array} Array of form fields.
 * @return {boolean} true if all validation checks pass
function validateElements(
	/* NodeList */ list)
	var host = this.get('host');

	var status = true;
	var count  = list.size();
	for (var i=0; i<count; i++)
		var e = list.item(i);
		if (!Y.DOM.hasClass(e, 'quickedit-field'))

		var qe = this.column_map[ this._getColumnKey(e) ].quickEdit;
		if (!qe)
		var msg_list = qe.validation ? qe.validation.msg : null;

		var info = Y.FormManager.validateFromCSSData(e, msg_list);
		if (info.error)
			this.displayMessage(e, info.error, 'error');
			status = false;

		if (info.keepGoing)
			if (qe.validation &&
				qe.validation.regex instanceof RegExp &&
				this.displayMessage(e, msg_list ? msg_list.regex : null, 'error');
				status = false;

		if (qe.validation &&
			Y.Lang.isFunction(qe.validation.fn) &&
			!qe.validation.fn.call(host, e))
			status = false;

	return status;

Y.extend(QuickEdit, Y.Plugin.Base,
	initializer: function(config)
		var host = this.get('host');

		this.hasMessages = false;

		this.get('host').after('columnsChange', parseColumns, this);

		var h = this.afterHostEvent('render', function()
			host.get('boundingBox').delegate('click', copyDown, '.'+QuickEdit.copy_down_button_class, host);

	 * Switch to QuickEdit mode.  Columns that have quickEdit defined will
	 * be editable.  If the table has paginators, you must hide them.
	 * @method start
	start: function()

		var host      = this.get('host');
		this.saveSort = [];
		this.saveEdit = [];
		this.saveFmt  = {};
		for (var i=0; i<this.column_list.length; i++)
			var col = this.column_list[i];
			var key = col.key;
			col.sortable = false;
//			this.saveEdit.push(col.editor);
//			col.editor = null;

			var qe  = col.quickEdit,
				qef = col.qeFormatter;
			if (/* !col.hidden && */ (qe || qef))
				var fn = null;
				if (qe && Y.Lang.isFunction(qe.formatter))
					fn = qe.formatter;
				else if (Y.Lang.isFunction(qef))
					fn = qef;
					fn = QuickEdit.textFormatter;

				if (fn)
					this.saveFmt[key] =
						formatter:     col.formatter,
						nodeFormatter: col.nodeFormatter,
						_formatterFn:  col._formatterFn,
						allowHTML:     col.allowHTML

					col.formatter     = wrapFormatter.call(this, fn, col.formatter || col.nodeFormatter);
					col.nodeFormatter = null;
					col.allowHTML     = true;

		var container = host.get('contentBox');
		this.move_event_handle = container.on('key', moveFocus, 'down:38+ctrl,40+ctrl', host);

		// trigger re-parsing of columns -- since we saved references to
		// the column objects, the original forest has been modified :)
		host.set('columns', host.get('columns'));

	 * Stop QuickEdit mode.  THIS DISCARDS ALL DATA!  If you want to save
	 * the data, call getChanges() BEFORE calling this function.  If the
	 * table has paginators, you must show them.
	 * @method cancel
	cancel: function()

		for (var i=0; i<this.column_list.length; i++)
			var col      = this.column_list[i];
			col.sortable = this.saveSort[i];
//			col.editor   = this.saveEdit[i];
		delete this.saveSort;
		delete this.saveEdit;

		Y.each(this.saveFmt, function(fmt, key)
			var col           = this.column_map[key];
			col.formatter     = fmt.formatter;
			col.nodeFormatter = fmt.nodeFormatter;
			col._formatterFn  = fmt._formatterFn;
			col.allowHTML     = fmt.allowHTML;
		delete this.saveFmt;

		var host      = this.get('host');
		var container = host.get('contentBox');
		if (this.move_event_handle)
			delete this.move_event_handle;

		// trigger re-parsing of columns -- since we saved references to
		// the column objects, the original forest has been modified :)
		host.set('columns', host.get('columns'));

	 * Return the changed values.  For each row, an object is created with
	 * only the changed values.  The object keys are the column keys.  If
	 * you need values from particular columns to be included always, even
	 * if the value did not change, include the key `changesAlwaysInclude`
	 * in the plugin configuration and pass an array of column keys.
	 * If you need the row indexes, configure `includeRowIndexInChanges`.
	 * If you only want the records with changes, configure
	 * `includeAllRowsInChanges` to be false.  For this to be useful, you
	 * will need to configure either `changesAlwaysInclude` or
	 * `includeRowIndexInChanges`.
	 * @method getChanges
	 * @return {mixed} array of objects if all validations pass, false otherwise
	getChanges: function()
		if (!this.validate())
			return false;

		var changes        = [],
			always_include = this.get('changesAlwaysInclude'),
			include_index  = this.get('includeRowIndexInChanges'),
			include_all    = this.get('includeAllRowsInChanges');

		var host      = this.get('host');
		var rows      = host._tbodyNode.get('children');
		host.get('data').each(function(rec, i)
			var list = rows.item(i).all('.quickedit-field');

			var change  = {},
				changed = false;

				var key  = this._getColumnKey(field);
				var qe   = this.column_map[key].quickEdit;
				var prev = rec.get(key);

				var val = Y.Lang.trim(field.get('value'));
				if (qe.changed ? qe.changed(prev, val) :
						val !== (prev ? prev.toString() : ''))
					change[key] = val;
					changed     = true;

			if (changed || include_all)
				for (var j=0; j<always_include.length; j++)
					var key     = always_include[j];
					change[key] = rec.get(key);

				if (include_index)
					change._row_index = i;


		return changes;

	 * Validate the QuickEdit data.
	 * @method validate
	 * @return {boolean} true if all validation checks pass
	validate: function()
		var status = true;
		var host   = this.get('host');

		var e1 = host._tbodyNode.getElementsByTagName('input');
		var e2 = host._tbodyNode.getElementsByTagName('textarea');
		var e3 = host._tbodyNode.getElementsByTagName('select');

		status = validateElements.call(this, e1) && status;	// status last to guarantee call
		status = validateElements.call(this, e2) && status;
		status = validateElements.call(this, e3) && status;

		if (!status)

		return status;

	 * Clear all validation messages in QuickEdit mode.
	 * @method clearMessages
	clearMessages: function()
		this.hasMessages = false;


		var host = this.get('host');
		host._tbodyNode.all('.' + QuickEdit.error_text_class)
			.set('innerHTML', '');

	 * Display a message for a QuickEdit field.  If an existing message with
	 * a higher precedence is already visible, it will not be replaced.
	 * @method displayMessage
	 * @param e {Element} form field
	 * @param msg {String} message to display
	 * @param type {String} message type: error, warn, success, info
	 * @param scroll {boolean} If false, does not scroll, even if this is the first message to display.
	displayMessage: function(
		/* element */	e,
		/* string */	msg,
		/* string */	type,
		/* boolean */	scroll)
		if (Y.Lang.isUndefined(scroll))
			scroll = true;

		e       = Y.one(e);
		var row = e.getAncestorByTagName('tr');
		if (Y.FormManager.statusTakesPrecedence(this._getElementStatus(row, qe_row_status_re), type))
			if (!this.hasMessages && scroll)

			row.replaceClass(qe_row_status_pattern, qe_row_status_prefix + type);
			this.hasMessages = true;

		var cell = e.getAncestorByTagName('td');
		if (Y.FormManager.statusTakesPrecedence(this._getElementStatus(cell, qe_cell_status_re), type))
			if (msg)
				cell.one('.' + QuickEdit.error_text_class)
					.set('innerHTML', msg);

			cell.replaceClass(qe_cell_status_pattern, qe_cell_status_prefix + type);
			this.hasMessages = true;

	 * Return the status of the field.
	 * @method _getElementStatus
	 * @protected
	 * @param e {Node} form field
	 * @param r {RegExp} regex to match against className
	 * @return {String}
	_getElementStatus: function(
		/* Node */	e,
		/* regex */	r)
		var m = e.get('className').match(r);
		return ((m && m.length) ? m[1] : false);

	 * Return the column key for the specified field.
	 * @method _getColumnKey
	 * @protected
	 * @param e {Node} form field
	 * @return {String}
	_getColumnKey: function(
		/* Node */ e)
		var m = quick_edit_re.exec(e.get('className'));
		return m[1];

Y.Plugin.DataTableQuickEdit = QuickEdit;