API Docs for: 1.0.0

File: src/gallery-querybuilder/js/QueryBuilder.js

"use strict";

var has_bubble_problem = (0 < Y.UA.ie && Y.UA.ie < 9);

 * Widget which allows user to build a list of query criteria, e.g., for
 * searching.  All the conditions are either AND'ed or OR'ed.  For a more
 * general query builder, see gallery-exprbuilder.
 * @main gallery-querybuilder
 * @module gallery-querybuilder

 * <p>The default package provides two data types:  String (which can also
 * be used for numbers) and Select (which provides a menu of options).  The
 * plugin API allows defining additional data types, e.g., date range or
 * multi-select.  Every plugin must be registered in
 * `Y.QueryBuilder.plugin_mapping`.  Plugins must implement the following
 * functions:</p>
 * <dl>
 * <dt>`constructor(qb, config)`</dt>
 * <dd>The arguments passed to the constructor are the QueryBuilder instance
 *		and the `pluginConfig` set on the QueryBuilder instance.
 *		At the minimum, this function should initalize form field name patterns
 *		using `config.field_prefix`.</dd>
 * <dt>`create(query_index, var_config, op_list, value)`<dt>
 * <dd>This function must create the additional cells for the query row and
 *		populate these cells appropriately.  (The QueryBuilder widget will
 *		insert the cells into the table.)  `var_config` is the
 *		item from the QueryBuilder's `var_list` that the user
 *		selected.  `op_list` is the item from the QueryBuilder's
 *		`operators` which matches the variable selected by the
 *		user.  `value` is optional.  If specified, it is the
 *		initial value(s) to be displayed by the plugin.</dd>
 * <dt>`postCreate(query_index, var_config, op_list, value)`</dt>
 * <dd>Optional.  If it exists, it will be called after the cells returned by
 *		`create()` have been inserted into the table.  The arguments
 *		are the same as `create()`.</dd>
 * <dt>`destroy()`</dt>
 * <dd>Destroy the plugin.  (The QueryBuilder widget will remove the cells
 *		and purge all events.)</dd>
 * <dt>`updateName(new_index)`</dt>
 * <dd>Update the names of the form fields managed by the plugin.</dd>
 * <dt>`toDatabaseQuery()`</dt>
 * <dd>Return an array of arrays.  Each inner array contains an operation
 *		and a value.  The default String and Select plugins each return
 *		a single inner array.  A date range plugin would return two inner
 *		arrays, one for the start date and one for the end date.</dd>
 * <dt>`validate()`</dt>
 * <dd>Optional.  If additional validations are required beyond the basic
 *		validations encoded in CSS, this function should check them.  If
 *		the input is not valid, call `displayFieldMessage()`
 *		on the QueryBuilder object and return false.  Otherwise, return
 *		true.</dd>
 * </dl>
 * @class QueryBuilder
 * @extends Widget
 * @constructor
 * @param var_list {Array} List of variables that be included in the query.
 * @param var_list.name {String} The name of the variable.  Set as the `value` for the select option.
 * @param var_list.type {String} The variable type.  Used to determine which plugin to instantiate. Must match a key in `Y.QueryBuilder.plugin_mapping`. (You can add new plugins to this global mapping.)
 * @param var_list.text {String} The text displayed when the variable is selected.
 * @param var_list.** {Mixed} plugin-specific configuration
 * @param operators {Object} Map of variable types to list of operators. Each operator is an object defining `value` and `text`.
 * @param config {Object} Widget configuration

function QueryBuilder(
	/* array */		var_list,
	/* object */	operators,
	/* object */	config)
	// list of variables that can be queried

	this.var_list = var_list.slice(0);

	// list of possible query operations for each data type

	this.op_list      = Y.clone(operators, true);
	this.op_list.none = [];

	// table rows containing the query elements

	this.row_list = [];

	QueryBuilder.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);

QueryBuilder.NAME = "querybuilder";

QueryBuilder.ATTRS =
	 * The prompt displayed when a new item is added to the query.
	 * @attribute chooseVarPrompt
	 * @type {String}
	 * @default "Choose a variable"
	 * @writeonce
		value:     'Choose a Variable',
		validator: Y.Lang.isString,
		writeOnce: true

	 * All generated form field names start with this prefix.  This avoids
	 * conflicts if you have more than one QueryBuilder on a page.
	 * @attribute fieldPrefix
	 * @type {String}
	 * @default ""
	 * @writeonce
		value:     '',
		validator: Y.Lang.isString,
		writeOnce: true

	 * Configuration passed to plugins when they are constructed.
	 * @attribute pluginConfig
	 * @type {Object}
	 * @default {}
	 * @writeonce
		value:     {},
		validator: Y.Lang.isObject,
		writeOnce: true

 * @event queryChanged
 * @description Fires when the query is modified.
 * @param info {Object} `remove` is `true` if a row was removed

function initVarList()
	var prompt = this.get('chooseVarPrompt');
	if (prompt)
			name: 'yui3-querybuilder-choose-prompt',
			type: 'none',
			text: prompt

function findRow(
	/* array */		row_list,
	/* element */	query_row)
	var count = row_list.length;
	for (var i=0; i<count; i++)
		if (row_list[i].row == query_row)
			return i;

	return -1;

function insertRow(
	/* event */		e,
	/* element */	query_row)

function removeRow(
	/* event */		e,
	/* element */	query_row)

	var i = findRow(this.row_list, query_row);
	if (i >= 0)

function changeVar(
	/* event */		e,
	/* element */	query_row)
	var i = findRow(this.row_list, query_row);
	if (i >= 0)

function keyUp(e)
	if (e.keyCode != 13)

Y.extend(QueryBuilder, Y.Widget,
	initializer: function(config)
		var field_prefix                      = this.get('fieldPrefix');
		this.var_menu_name_pattern            = field_prefix + 'query_var_{i}';
		this.get('pluginConfig').field_prefix = field_prefix;
		this.plugin_column_count              = 0;	// expands as needed


	renderUI: function()
		var container = this.get('contentBox');
		container.on('change', this._notifyChanged, this);
		container.on('keyup', keyUp, this);

		this.table = Y.Node.create('<table></table>');


	destructor: function()
		for (var i=0; i<this.row_list.length; i++)
			if (this.row_list[i].plugin)

		this.row_list = null;
		this.table    = null;

	 * Reset the query.
	 * @method reset
	 * @param var_list {Array} If specified, the list of available variables is replaced.
	 * @param operators {Object} If specified, the operators for all variable types will be replaced.
	reset: function(
		/* array */		var_list,
		/* object */	operators)
		this._allow_remove_last_row = true;

		for (var i=this.row_list.length-1; i>=0; i--)

		this._allow_remove_last_row = false;

		if (var_list)
			this.var_list = var_list.slice(0);

		if (operators)
			this.op_list      = Y.clone(operators, true);
			this.op_list.none = [];

		this.has_messages = false;

	 * Append a new query condition to the table.
	 * @method appendNew
	 * @param name {String} If specified, this variable is selected.
	 * @param value {Mixed} If specified, this value is selected.  Refer to the appropriate plugin documentation to figure out what data to pass.
	 * @return {Object} plugin that was created for the row, if any
	appendNew: function(
		/* string */	name,
		/* mixed */		value)
		// if has single, neutral row, use it

		if (name && this.row_list.length == 1)
			var var_menu     = this.row_list[0].var_menu,
				selected_var = this.var_list[ var_menu.get('selectedIndex') ];
			if (!selected_var || selected_var.type == 'none')
				var_menu.set('value', name);
				this.update(0, value);
				return this.row_list[0].plugin;

		// create new row

		var new_index  = this.row_list.length;
		var query_body = Y.Node.create('<tbody></tbody>');
		query_body.set('className', Y.FormManager.row_marker_class);

		// error row

		var error_row = Y.Node.create('<tr></tr>');
		error_row.set('className', this.getClassName('error'));

		var error_cell = this._createContainer();
		error_cell.set('colSpan', 1 + this.plugin_column_count);
		error_cell.set('innerHTML', '<p class="' + Y.FormManager.status_marker_class + '"></p>');


		// criterion row

		var query_row = Y.Node.create('<tr></tr>');
		query_row.set('className', this.getClassName('criterion'));

		// cell for query variable menu

		var var_cell = this._createContainer();
		var_cell.set('className', this.getClassName('variable'));

		// menu for selecting query variable

		var_cell.set('innerHTML', this._variablesMenu(this.variableName(new_index)));

		var var_menu = var_cell.one('select');
		var_menu.on('change', changeVar, this, query_row);

		var options = var_menu.getDOMNode().options;
		for (var i=0; i<this.var_list.length; i++)
			options[i] = new Option(this.var_list[i].text, this.var_list[i].name);

		if (name)
			var_menu.set('value', name);

		if (has_bubble_problem)
			var_menu.on('change', this._notifyChanged, this);

		// controls for this row

		var control_cell = this._createContainer();
		control_cell.set('className', this.getClassName('controls'));
		control_cell.set('innerHTML', this._rowControls());

		var insert_control = control_cell.one('.'+this.getClassName('insert'));
		if (insert_control)
			insert_control.on('click', insertRow, this, query_row);

		var remove_control = control_cell.one('.'+this.getClassName('remove'));
		if (remove_control)
			remove_control.on('click', removeRow, this, query_row);

		// insert into DOM after fully constructed


		var obj =
			body:     query_body,
			row:      query_row,
			var_menu: var_menu,
			control:  control_cell,
			error:    error_cell
		this.update(new_index, value, true);

		if (name || Y.Lang.isValue(value))


		return this.row_list[new_index].plugin;

	 * Set the value of the specified row.
	 * @method update
	 * @param row_index {int} The index of the row
	 * @param value {Mixed} If specified, the value to set (Refer to the appropriate plugin documentation to figure out what data to pass.)
	update: function(
		/* int */	row_index,
		/* mixed */	value,
		/* bool */	silent)
		var query_row    = this.row_list[row_index].row;
		var control_cell = this.row_list[row_index].control;

		// clear error

		this.row_list[row_index].error.one('.'+Y.FormManager.status_marker_class).set('innerHTML', '');

		// remove all but the first cell (variable name) and last cell (controls)

		if (this.row_list[row_index].plugin)
			this.row_list[row_index].plugin = null;

		while (query_row.get('children').size() > 2)
			var child = query_row.get('children').item(0).next();

		// re-build the table row

		var var_menu     = this.row_list[row_index].var_menu;
		var selected_var = this.var_list[ var_menu.get('selectedIndex') ];

		var cells = [];
		if (!selected_var || selected_var.type == 'none')

			this.row_list[row_index].plugin =
				new QueryBuilder.plugin_mapping[ selected_var.type ](
					this, this.get('pluginConfig'));
			cells =
					row_index, selected_var,
					this.op_list[ selected_var.type ], value);

		while (cells.length < this.plugin_column_count)

		for (var i=0; i<cells.length; i++)
			query_row.insertBefore(cells[i], control_cell);

		if (cells.length > this.plugin_column_count)
			var col_span = 1 + cells.length;
			for (var i=0; i<this.row_list.length; i++)
				var row = this.row_list[i].row;
				this.row_list[i].error.set('colSpan', col_span);

				if (row != query_row)
					var control = this.row_list[i].control;

					for (var j=this.plugin_column_count; j<cells.length; j++)
						row.insertBefore(this._createContainer(), control);

			this.plugin_column_count = cells.length;

		var plugin = this.row_list[row_index].plugin;
		if (plugin && Y.Lang.isFunction(plugin.postCreate))
				row_index, selected_var,
				this.op_list[ selected_var.type ], value);

		if (!silent && Y.Lang.isValue(value))

	 * Removes the specified row.
	 * @method remove
	 * @param row_index {int} The index of the row
	 * @return {boolean} `true` if successful
	remove: function(
		/* int */	row_index)
		// sanity checks

		if (this.row_list.length <= 0)
			return false;

		// last row cannot be removed

		if (!this._allow_remove_last_row && this.row_list.length == 1)
			var var_menu = this.row_list[0].var_menu;
			var_menu.set('selectedIndex', 0);
			this.fire('queryChanged', {remove: true});
			return true;

		var query_body = this.row_list[row_index].body;
		if (query_body === null)
			return false;

		// remove row

		if (this.row_list[row_index].plugin)

		this.row_list.splice(row_index, 1);

		this.fire('queryChanged', {remove: true});
		return true;

	 * Validate the fields in each row.
	 * @method validateFields
	 * @return {Boolean} `true` if all values are valid
	validateFields: function()

		var status = true;
		Y.Array.each(this.row_list, function(row, i)
			var info;
				info = Y.FormManager.validateFromCSSData(n);

				if (info.error)
					this.displayFieldMessage(n, info.error, 'error');
					status = false;
					return true;

			if ((!info || !info.error) && row.plugin && Y.Lang.isFunction(row.plugin.validate))
				status = row.plugin.validate() && status;	// status last to guarantee call to validate()

		return status;

	 * @method clearFieldMessages
	clearFieldMessages: function()
		this.has_messages = false;



	 * Display a message for the specified field.
	 * @method displayFieldMessage
	 * @param e {String|Object} The selector for the element or the element itself
	 * @param msg {String} The message
	 * @param type {String} The message type (see Y.FormManager.status_order)
	 * @param [scroll] {boolean} `true` if the form row should be scrolled into view
	 * @return {boolean} true if the message was displayed, false if a higher precedence message was already there
	displayFieldMessage: function(
		/* id/object */	e,
		/* string */	msg,
		/* string */	type,
		/* boolean */	scroll)
		if (Y.FormManager.displayMessage(e, msg, type, this.has_messages, scroll))
			this.has_messages = true;
			return true;
			return false;

	 * Returns plugin used for the specified row, if any.
	 * @method getPlugin
	 * @param row_index {int} The index of the row
	 * @return {Object} the plugin for the row, if any
	getPlugin: function(
		/* int */	row_index)
		return this.row_list[row_index].plugin;

	 * @method toDatabaseQuery
	 * @return {Array} list of [var, op, value] tuples suitable for a database query
	toDatabaseQuery: function()
		var result = [];

		for (var i=0; i<this.row_list.length; i++)
			var row    = this.row_list[i];
			var plugin = row.plugin;
			if (plugin)
				var list = plugin.toDatabaseQuery();
				for (var j=0; j<list.length; j++)
					result.push([ row.var_menu.get('value') ].concat(list[j]));

		return result;

	 * Updates internal data to match ordering of rows.  Useful after
	 * Drag-and-Drop operation is finished.
	 * @method rowsReordered
	rowsReordered: function()
		var orig = this.row_list.slice(0);

		this.row_list = [];
			var i = Y.Array.findIndexOf(orig, function(r)
				return (r.body === n);



	 * @method _renumberRows
	 * @private
	_renumberRows: function()
		Y.Array.each(this.row_list, function(row, i)
			var var_menu = row.var_menu;
			var_menu.setAttribute('name', this.variableName(i));

			var selected_var = this.var_list[ var_menu.get('selectedIndex') ];
			if (selected_var.type != 'none')

	 * API for plugins

	 * @method _createContainer
	 * @protected
	 * @return {DOM element} container for one piece of a query row
	_createContainer: function()
		return Y.Node.create('<td></td>');

	 * Fires the queryChanged event.
	 * @method _notifyChanged
	 * @protected
	_notifyChanged: function()

	 * Form element names.

	 * @method variableName
	 * @param i {int} query row index
	 * @return {String} name for the select form element listing the available query variables
	variableName: function(
		/* int */	i)
		return Y.Lang.sub(this.var_menu_name_pattern, {i:i});

	// Markup

	 * @method _variablesMenu
	 * @protected
	 * @param menu_name {String} name for the select form element
	 * @return {String} markup for the query variable menu
	_variablesMenu: function(
		/* string */	menu_name)
		// This must use a select tag!

		var markup = '<select name="{n}" class="{f} {c}" />';

		return Y.Lang.sub(markup,
			n: menu_name,
			f: Y.FormManager.field_marker_class,
			c: this.getClassName('field')

	 * @method _rowControls
	 * @protected
	 * @return {String} markup for the row controls (insert and remove)
	_rowControls: function()
		var markup =
			'<button type="button" class="{cr}">&ndash;</button>' +
			'<button type="button" class="{ci}">+</button>';

		if (!this._controls_markup)
			this._controls_markup = Y.Lang.sub(markup,
				ci: this.getClassName('insert'),
				cr: this.getClassName('remove')

		return this._controls_markup;

Y.QueryBuilder = QueryBuilder;

 * <p>Environment information.</p>
 * <dl>
 * <dt>has_bubble_problem</dt>
 * <dd>True if change events from select elements do not bubble.</dd>
 * </dl>
 * @property Env
 * @type {Object}
 * @static
Y.QueryBuilder.Env =
	has_bubble_problem: has_bubble_problem