API Docs for: 1.0.0

File: src/gallery-querybuilder-daterange/js/daterange.js

 * @module gallery-querybuilder
 * @submodule gallery-querybuilder-daterange

 * Plugin for accepting date/time range.
 * The `value` argument passed to `QueryBuilder.appendNew()` must be an
 * array with two elements: `[ start_date, end_date ]`.
 * `var_config` accepts `show_time`, `start_config`, `end_config`.  The
 * configs must define objects: `Calendar`, `InputCalendarSync`,
 * `DateTime`, `date_InputPopup`, `time_InputPopup`.
 * `op_list` must be an array: `[ greater_than, less_than ]`.
 * @namespace QueryBuilder
 * @class DateRange

Y.QueryBuilder.DateRange = function(
	/* object */	query_builder,
	/* object */	config)
	this.qb = query_builder;

	this.start_date_input_name_pattern = config.field_prefix + 'start_date_{i}';
	this.start_time_input_name_pattern = config.field_prefix + 'start_time_{i}';
	this.end_date_input_name_pattern   = config.field_prefix + 'end_date_{i}';
	this.end_time_input_name_pattern   = config.field_prefix + 'end_time_{i}';

Y.QueryBuilder.DateRange.prototype =
	create: function(
		/* int */		query_index,
		/* object */	var_config,
		/* array */		op_list,
		/* array */		value)
		this.db_query_gt = op_list[0];
		this.db_query_lt = op_list[1];

		this.start_id  = Y.guid();
		this.end_id    = Y.guid();
		this.show_time = var_config.show_time;

		var result    = [],
			separator = ' — ';

		var start_date_cell = this.qb._createContainer();
		start_date_cell.set('className', this.qb.getClassName('start-date'));
			this._dateInput(this.start_id, this.dateName('start', query_index)) +
			(var_config.show_time ? '' : separator));
		this.start_date_input = start_date_cell.one('input');

		if (this.show_time)
			var start_time_cell = this.qb._createContainer();
			start_time_cell.set('className', this.qb.getClassName('start-time'));
				this._timeInput(this.start_id, this.timeName('start', query_index)) +
			this.start_time_input = start_time_cell.one('input');

		var end_date_cell = this.qb._createContainer();
		end_date_cell.set('className', this.qb.getClassName('end-date'));
		end_date_cell.set('innerHTML', this._dateInput(this.end_id, this.dateName('end', query_index)));
		this.end_date_input = end_date_cell.one('input');

		if (this.show_time)
			var end_time_cell = this.qb._createContainer();
			end_time_cell.set('className', this.qb.getClassName('end-time'));
			end_time_cell.set('innerHTML', this._timeInput(this.end_id, this.timeName('end', query_index)));
			this.end_time_input = end_time_cell.one('input');

		return result;

	postCreate: function(
		/* int */		query_index,
		/* object */	var_config,
		/* array */		op_list,
		/* array */		value)
		value = value || ['', ''];

		if (value[0])
			Y.namespace.call(var_config, 'start_config.DateTime');
			var_config.start_config.DateTime.defaultDateTime = value[0];
		this.start_widgets = this._attachDateTimeWidgets(this.start_id, var_config.start_config);
		if (value[0])
			delete var_config.start_config.DateTime.defaultDateTime;

		if (value[1])
			Y.namespace.call(var_config, 'end_config.DateTime');
			var_config.end_config.DateTime.defaultDateTime = value[1];
		this.end_widgets = this._attachDateTimeWidgets(this.end_id, var_config.end_config);
		if (value[1])
			delete var_config.end_config.DateTime.defaultDateTime;

		this.range = new Y.DateTimeRange(
			startDateTime: this.start_widgets.datetime,
			endDateTime:   this.end_widgets.datetime


		this.start_date_input.on('valueSet', this.qb._notifyChanged, this.qb);
		this.end_date_input.on('valueSet', this.qb._notifyChanged, this.qb);

		if (this.show_time)
			this.start_time_input.on('valueSet', this.qb._notifyChanged, this.qb);
			this.end_time_input.on('valueSet', this.qb._notifyChanged, this.qb);

	destroy: function()
		this._destroyDateTimeWidgets(this.start_widgets, this.start_date_input);
		this._destroyDateTimeWidgets(this.end_widgets, this.end_date_input);

		if (this.show_time)

		this.start_date_input = null;

	updateName: function(
		/* int */	new_index)
		this.start_date_input.setAttribute('name', this.dateName('start', new_index));
		this.end_date_input.setAttribute('name', this.dateName('end', new_index));
		if (this.show_time)
			this.start_time_input.setAttribute('name', this.timeName('start', new_index));
			this.end_time_input.setAttribute('name', this.timeName('end', new_index));

	toDatabaseQuery: function()
		var start  = this.start_widgets.datetime.getDateTime(),
			end    = this.end_widgets.datetime.getDateTime(),
			result = [];

		if (start)
			result.push([ this.db_query_gt, start ]);

		if (end)
			result.push([ this.db_query_lt, end ]);

		return result;

	_attachDateTimeWidgets: function(id, config)
		config = config || {};

		var selector = '#' + id;

		// Calendar

		var c = config.Calendar || {};
		if (Y.Lang.isUndefined(c.width))
			c.width = 300;
		c.showPrevMonth = c.showNextMonth = true;

		var cal = new Y.Calendar(c);
		cal.render(selector + '-calendar');

		// InputCalendarSync

		c          = config.InputCalendarSync || {};
		c.calendar = cal;

		Y.one(selector + '-date').plug(Y.Plugin.InputCalendarSync, c);	// must be before Y.DateTime

		// Timepicker

		if (this.show_time)
			var tp = new Y.Saw.Timepicker();
			tp.render(selector + '-timepicker');

			tp.on('cellclick', function()
				Y.later(100, null, function()
					Y.one(selector + '-time').set('value', tp.get('time').s24hour);

		// DateTime

		c          = config.DateTime || {};
		c.dateInput = selector + '-date';

		if (this.show_time)
			c.timeInput = selector + '-time';

		var dt = new Y.DateTime(c);

		// date InputPopup

		c                = config.date_InputPopup || {};
		c.srcNode        = selector + '-popup-calendar';
		c.visible        = false;
		c.inputField     = selector + '-date',
		c.clickNodes     = Y.InputPopup.CalendarNodes,
		c.reparentToBody = true;

		if (Y.Lang.isUndefined(c.zIndex))
			c.zIndex = 100;

		var cal_popup = new Y.InputPopup(c);

		if (this.show_time)
			c                = config.time_InputPopup || {};
			c.srcNode        = selector + '-popup-timepicker';
			c.visible        = false;
			c.inputField     = selector + '-time',
			c.clickNodes     = Y.InputPopup.SawTimepickerNodes,
			c.reparentToBody = true;

			if (Y.Lang.isUndefined(c.zIndex))
				c.zIndex = 100;

			var tp_popup = new Y.InputPopup(c);

		var result =
			calendar:         cal,
			timepicker:       tp,
			datetime:         dt,
			calendar_popup:   cal_popup,
			timepicker_popup: tp_popup
		return result;

	_destroyDateTimeWidgets: function(obj, input)


		if (this.show_time)

	/* *********************************************************************
	 * Form element names.

	dateName: function(
		/* string */	type,
		/* int */		i)
		return Y.Lang.sub(this[ type + '_date_input_name_pattern' ], {i:i});

	timeName: function(
		/* string */	type,
		/* int */		i)
		return Y.Lang.sub(this[ type + '_time_input_name_pattern' ], {i:i});

	// Markup

	_dateInput: function(
		/* string */ id,
		/* string */ input_name)
		// This must use an input tag!

		var markup =
			'<input type="text" name="{n}" id="{id}-date" class="{f} {c} date"/>' +
			'<div id="{id}-popup-calendar" class="yui3-inputpopup-loading">' +
				'<div id="{id}-calendar"></div>' +

		return Y.Lang.sub(markup,
			id: id,
			n:  input_name,
			f:  Y.FormManager.field_marker_class,
			c:  this.qb.getClassName('field')

	_timeInput: function(
		/* string */ id,
		/* string */ input_name)
		// This must use an input tag!

		var markup =
			'<input type="text" name="{n}" id="{id}-time" class="{f} {c} time"/>' +
			'<div id="{id}-popup-timepicker" class="popup-timepicker yui3-inputpopup-loading">' +
				'<div id="{id}-timepicker"></div>' +

		return Y.Lang.sub(markup,
			id: id,
			n:  input_name,
			f:  Y.FormManager.field_marker_class,
			c:  this.qb.getClassName('field')

Y.QueryBuilder.plugin_mapping[ 'daterange' ] = Y.QueryBuilder.DateRange;