API Docs for: 1.0.0

File: src/gallery-paginator/js/CurrentPageInput.js

Copyright (c) 2009, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Code licensed under the BSD License:

 * @module gallery-paginator

 * Generates an input field for setting the current page.
 * @class Paginator.ui.CurrentPageInput
 * @constructor
 * @param p {Pagintor} Paginator instance to attach to
Paginator.ui.CurrentPageInput = function(
	/* Paginator */	p)
	this.paginator = p;

	p.on('destroy',               this.destroy, this);
	p.after('recordOffsetChange', this.update,  this);
	p.after('rowsPerPageChange',  this.update,  this);
	p.after('totalRecordsChange', this.update,  this);
	p.after('disabledChange',     this.update,  this);

	p.after('pageInputClassChange', this.update, this);

 * CSS class assigned to the span
 * @attribute pageInputClass
 * @default 'yui-paginator-page-input'
Paginator.ATTRS.pageInputClass =
	value : Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName(Paginator.NAME, 'page-input'),
	validator : Y.Lang.isString

 * Used as innerHTML for the span.
 * @attribute pageInputTemplate
 * @default '{currentPage} of {totalPages}'
Paginator.ATTRS.pageInputTemplate =
	value : '{currentPage} of {totalPages}',
	validator : Y.Lang.isString

Paginator.ui.CurrentPageInput.prototype =
	 * Removes the span node and clears event listeners.
	 * @method destroy
	 * @private
	destroy: function()
		this.span       = null;
		this.input      = null;
		this.page_count = null;

	 * Generate the nodes and return the appropriate node given the current
	 * pagination state.
	 * @method render
	 * @param id_base {string} used to create unique ids for generated nodes
	 * @return {HTMLElement}
	render: function(
		if (this.span) {

		this.span = Y.Node.create(
			'<span id="'+id_base+'-page-input">' +
				currentPage: '<input class="yui-page-input"></input>',
				totalPages:  '<span class="yui-page-count"></span>'
			}) +
		this.span.set('className', this.paginator.get('pageInputClass'));

		this.input = this.span.one('input');
		this.input.on('change', this._onChange, this);
		this.input.on('key', this._onReturnKey, 'down:13', this);

		this.page_count = this.span.one('span.yui-page-count');


		return this.span;

	 * Swap the link and span nodes if appropriate.
	 * @method update
	 * @param e {CustomEvent} The calling change event
	update: function(
		/* CustomEvent */ e)
		if (e && e.prevVal === e.newVal)

		this.span.set('className', this.paginator.get('pageInputClass'));
		this.input.set('value', this.paginator.getCurrentPage());
		this.input.set('disabled', this.paginator.get('disabled'));
		this.page_count.set('innerHTML', this.paginator.getTotalPages());

	_onChange: function(e)
		this.paginator.setPage(parseInt(this.input.get('value'), 10));

	_onReturnKey: function(e)
		this.paginator.setPage(parseInt(this.input.get('value'), 10));