API Docs for: 1.0.0

File: src/gallery-node-event-set/js/node-event-set.js

"use strict";

 * @module gallery-node-event-set

 * Patches Y.Node to provide "set" events for attributes and styles similar
 * to the "change" events provided by `Y.Attribute`.  Simply subscribe to
 * _attr_Set or _style_Set, e.g., valueSet, z-indexSet, or classSet.
 * IMPORTANT: "set" events will ONLY fire if changes are made through
 * `Y.Node`, NOT when directly operating on the DOM element.  Also NOT when a
 * different sandbox operates on a separate `Y.Node` instance for the same
 * element.
 * IMPORTANT: "set" events must be subscribed directly on the `Y.Node`, not
 * via `Y.on(...)`.
 * Note: The valuechange event provided by YUI captures all changes to the
 * element's value attribute, but only when the element has focus.
 * To minimize the performance impact, this module initially overrides only
 * Y.Node.on().  Patches are then applied to the appropriate functions on
 * individual instances when a "set" event is requested.
 * <dl>
 * <dt>set, setAttrs, setAttribute, setStyle, setStyles</dt>
 * <dd>Fires _attr_Set or _style_Set event with prevVal, newVal.</dd>
 * <dt>setData,clearData</dt>
 * <dd>Fires dataSet event with dataKey, prevVal, newVal.</dd>
 * <dt>addClass, removeClass, replaceClass</dt>
 * <dd>Fires classNameSet event with prevVal, newVal -- consistent with set('className', ...).  Also includes addedClass or removedClass, as appropriate.</dd>
 * <dt>setX, setY, setXY</dt>
 * <dd>Fires xySet event with prevVal and newVal defining x, y, or both.</dd>
 * @main gallery-node-event-set
 * @class Node~event-set

function setValue(get, set, attr, val)
	var prev_val = get.call(this, attr);
	set.apply(this, Y.Array(arguments, 2));

	// always fire because type conversion is too complicated

	this.fire(attr + 'Set',
		prevVal: prev_val,
		newVal:  val

function setValues(get, set, map)
	var prev_map = {};
	Y.each(map, function(value, key)
		prev_map[ key ] = get.call(this, key);

	set.apply(this, Y.Array(arguments, 2));

	// always fire because type conversion is too complicated

	Y.each(map, function(value, key)
		this.fire(key + 'Set',
			prevVal: prev_map[ key ],
			newVal:  value

function patchSet()
	this._event_set_patched_set = true;

	this.set          = Y.bind(setValue,  this, this.get, this.set);
	this.setAttrs     = Y.bind(setValues, this, this.get, this.setAttrs);
	this.setAttribute = Y.bind(setValue,  this, this.getAttribute, this.setAttribute);
	this.setStyle     = Y.bind(setValue,  this, this.getStyle, this.setStyle);
	this.setStyles    = Y.bind(setValues, this, this.getStyle, this.setStyles);

function patchData()
	this._event_set_patched_data = true;

	var orig_setData = this.setData;
	this.setData = function(name, val)
		if (arguments.length > 1)
			var prev_val = this.getData(name);
			var data_map = {};
			Y.each(this.getData(), function(value, key)
				data_map[ key ] = { prevVal: value };

		orig_setData.apply(this, arguments);

		if (arguments.length > 1)
				dataKey: name,
				prevVal: prev_val,
				newVal:  val
			Y.each(name, function(value, key)
				if (data_map[ key ])
					data_map[ key ].newVal = value;
					data_map[ key ] = { newVal: value };

			Y.each(data_map, function(value, key)
					dataKey: key,
					prevVal: value.prevVal,
					newVal:  value.newVal

	var orig_clearData = this.clearData;
	this.clearData = function(name)
		if (name)
			var prev_val = this.getData(name);
			var prev_map = this.getData();

		orig_clearData.apply(this, arguments);

		if (name)
				dataKey: name,
				prevVal: prev_val
			Y.each(prev_map, function(value, key)
					dataKey: key,
					prevVal: value

function patchClass()
	this._event_set_patched_class = true;

	var orig_addClass = this.addClass;
	this.addClass = function(className)
		if (this.hasClass(className))

		var prev_class = this.get('className');
		orig_addClass.apply(this, arguments);

		if (!this._event_set_do_not_fire_add_remove_class)
				prevVal:    prev_class,
				newVal:     this.get('className'),
				addedClass: className

	var orig_removeClass = this.removeClass;
	this.removeClass = function(className)
		if (!this.hasClass(className))

		var prev_class = this.get('className');
		orig_removeClass.apply(this, arguments);

		if (!this._event_set_do_not_fire_add_remove_class)
				prevVal:      prev_class,
				newVal:       this.get('className'),
				removedClass: className

	var orig_replaceClass = this.replaceClass;
	this.replaceClass = function(oldC, newC)
		this._event_set_do_not_fire_add_remove_class = true;

		var prev_class = this.get('className'),
			had_class  = this.hasClass(oldC);

		orig_replaceClass.apply(this, arguments);

		var event =
			prevVal:    prev_class,
			newVal:     this.get('className'),
			addedClass: newC

		if (had_class)
			event.removedClass = oldC;
		this.fire('classNameSet', event);

		this._event_set_do_not_fire_add_remove_class = false;

function setPos(set, xy)
	var prev_pt = this.getXY();
	set.apply(this, Y.Array(arguments, 1));

		prevVal: prev_pt,
		newVal:  this.getXY()

function patchXY()
	this._event_set_patched_xy = true;

	this.setX  = Y.bind(setPos, this, this.setX);
	this.setY  = Y.bind(setPos, this, this.setY);
	this.setXY = Y.bind(setPos, this, this.setXY);

var orig_on = Y.Node.prototype.on;
Y.Node.prototype.on = function(type, fn, context)
	// manually check characters, because that is faster than a regexp

	if (type.length > 3 && type.charAt &&
		type.charAt(type.length-3) == 'S' &&
		type.charAt(type.length-2) == 'e' &&
		type.charAt(type.length-1) == 't')
		if (type == 'dataSet')
			if (!this._event_set_patched_data)
		else if (type == 'classNameSet')
			if (!this._event_set_patched_class)	// add/remove/replace class

			if (!this._event_set_patched_set)	// set('className', ...)
		else if (type == 'xySet')
			if (!this._event_set_patched_xy)
		else if (!this._event_set_patched_set)

			emitFacade: true

	return orig_on.apply(this, arguments);