API Docs for: 1.0.0

File: src/gallery-mathcanvas/js/Value.js

 * @module gallery-mathcanvas

 * <p>Constant value</p>
 * @namespace MathFunction
 * @class Value
 * @extends MathFunction
 * @constructor
 * @param value {number}

function MathValue(
	/* float */	value)

	var is_string = Y.Lang.isString(value);
	if (is_string &&
		(value.indexOf('.') >= 0 ||
		 (!/x/i.test(value) && /e/i.test(value))))
		this.value = parseFloat(value);
	else if (is_string)
		this.value = parseInt(value);	// do not force base, to allow hex
		this.value = value;

Y.extend(MathValue, MathFunction,
	 * @method evaluate
	 * @param var_list {Object} map of variable names to values or MathFunctions
	 * @return the value of the function
	evaluate: function()
		return this.value;

	 * @method toString
	 * @return text representation of the function
	toString: function()
		return this.value;

MathFunction.Value = MathValue;