API Docs for: 1.0.0

File: src/gallery-layout/js/PageLayout.js

"use strict";

 * Provides fluid layout for the content on a page.
 * @module gallery-layout

 * Manages header (layout-hd), body (layout-bd), footer (layout-ft) stacked
 * vertically to either fit inside the viewport (fit-to-viewport) or adjust
 * to the size of the body content (fit-to-content).
 * The body content is sub-divided into modules, arranged either in rows or
 * columns.  The layout is automatically detected based on the marker
 * classes attached to the two layers of divs inside layout-bd:  either
 * layout-module-row > layout-module or layout-module-col > layout-module
 * Each module has an optional header (layout-m-hd), a body (layout-m-bd),
 * and an optional footer (layout-m-ft).  You can have multiple
 * layout-m-bd's, but only one can be visible at a time.  If you change the
 * DOM in any way that affects the height of any module header, body, or
 * footer, or if you switch bodies, you must call `elementResized()` to
 * reflow the layout.  (Technically, you do not have to call
 * `elementResized()` if you modify a module body in fit-to-viewport mode,
 * but if you later decide to switch to fit-to-content, your optimization
 * will cause trouble.)
 * If you want a row, column, or module to have a fixed size, add the class
 * layout-not-managed to the layout-module-row, layout-module-column, or
 * layout-module.  Then use CSS to set the width of layout-module (for a
 * row) or layout-module-col (for a col), or the height of layout-m-bd.
 * If the body content is a single module, it expands as the content
 * expands (fit-to-content) until it would push the footer below the fold.
 * Then it switches to fit-to-viewport so the scrollbar appears on the
 * module instead of the entire viewport.  (If you do not want this
 * behavior in a particular case, add the class FORCE_FIT to layout-bd.)
 * Note that a non-zero margin-top on the top element or a non-zero
 * margin-bottom on the bottom element inside any container will break the
 * layout because browsers lie about the total height of the container in
 * this case.  Use padding instead of margin on elements inside headers and
 * footers.
 * If you wish to display a loading message that automatically disappears
 * after the first time the layout is calculated, add the class
 * `layout-loading` to the div containing the message.  (To be visible,
 * this div must not be inside the div with class `layout-bd`, since that
 * has `visibility:hidden`.)
 * @class PageLayout
 * @extends Base
 * @constructor
 * @param config {Object}

function PageLayout()
	PageLayout.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

PageLayout.NAME = "pagelayout";

 * @property FIT_TO_VIEWPORT
 * @static
PageLayout.FIT_TO_VIEWPORT = 0;

 * @property FIT_TO_CONTENT
 * @static
PageLayout.FIT_TO_CONTENT = 1;

PageLayout.ATTRS =
	 * FIT_TO_VIEWPORT sizes the rows to fit everything inside the
	 * browser's viewport.  FIT_TO_CONTENT sizes the rows to eliminate all
	 * scrollbars on module bodies.  Note that you can configure this
	 * property by putting the CSS class "FIT_TO_VIEWPORT" or
	 * "FIT_TO_CONTENT" on layout-bd.
	 * @attribute mode
	 * @type PageLayout.FIT_TO_VIEWPORT or PageLayout.FIT_TO_CONTENT
	 * @default PageLayout.FIT_TO_VIEWPORT
		value:     PageLayout.FIT_TO_VIEWPORT,
		validator: function(value)
			return (value === PageLayout.FIT_TO_VIEWPORT || value === PageLayout.FIT_TO_CONTENT);

	 * Minimum page width, measured in em's.  The page content will not
	 * collapse narrower than this width.  If the viewport is smaller, the
	 * brower's horizontal scrollbar will appear.
	 * @attribute minWidth
	 * @type {Number} em's
	 * @default 73 (em) 950px @ 13px font
		value:     73,
		validator: function(value)
			return (Y.Lang.isNumber(value) && value > 0);

	 * Minimum page height in FIT_TO_VIEWPORT mode, measured in em's.  The
	 * page content will not collapse lower than this height.  If the
	 * viewport is smaller, the brower's vertical scrollbar will appear.
	 * @attribute minHeight
	 * @type {Number} em's
	 * @default 44 (em) 570px @ 13px font
		value:     44,
		validator: function(value)
			return (Y.Lang.isNumber(value) && value > 0);

	 * In FIT_TO_CONTENT mode, set this to true to make the footer stick to
	 * the bottom of the viewport.  The default is for the footer to scroll
	 * along with the rest of the page content.
	 * @attribute stickyFooter
	 * @type {Boolean}
	 * @default false
		value:     false,
		validator: Y.Lang.isBoolean

	 * When organizing modules into columns in FIT_TO_CONTENT mode, set
	 * this to false to allow each column to be a different height.
	 * @attribute matchColumnHeights
	 * @type {Boolean}
	 * @default true
		value:     true,
		validator: Y.Lang.isBoolean

	 * Selector identifying the element which contains layout-(hd|bd|ft).
	 * This cannot be used to attach PageLayout to only part of the page.
	 * It should only be used when the page content is unavoidably embedded
	 * inside an element which fills the page.
	 * @attribute body
	 * @type {String|Node}
	 * @default "body"
		value:     'body',
		validator: function(value)
			return (Y.Lang.isString(value) || value._node);

 * @event beforeReflow
 * @description Fires before the layout is reflowed.
 * @event afterReflow
 * @description Fires after the layout is completely reflowed, including viewport scrollbar changes.

 * @event beforeExpandModule
 * @description Fires before a module is expanded.
 * @param bd {Node} the module body (layout-m-bd)
 * @event afterExpandModule
 * @description Fires after a module is expanded.
 * @param bd {Node} the module body (layout-m-bd)

 * @event beforeCollapseModule
 * @description Fires before a module is collapsed.
 * @param bd {Node} the module body (layout-m-bd)
 * @event afterCollapseModule
 * @description Fires after a module is collapsed.
 * @param bd {Node} the module body (layout-m-bd)

 * @event beforeResizeModule
 * @description Fires before a module is resized.
 * @param bd {Node} the module body (layout-m-bd)
 * @param height {Number} new height in pixels or "auto"
 * @param width {Number} new width in pixels or "auto"
 * @event afterResizeModule
 * @description Fires after a module is resized.
 * @param bd {Node} the module body (layout-m-bd)
 * @param height {Number} new height in pixels
 * @param width {Number} new width in pixels

 * @property fit_to_viewport_class
 * @type {String}
 * @default "FIT_TO_VIEWPORT"
 * @static
PageLayout.fit_to_viewport_class = 'FIT_TO_VIEWPORT';

 * @property fit_to_content_class
 * @type {String}
 * @default "FIT_TO_CONTENT"
 * @static
PageLayout.fit_to_content_class = 'FIT_TO_CONTENT';

 * @property force_fit_class
 * @type {String}
 * @default "FORCE_FIT"
 * @static
PageLayout.force_fit_class = 'FORCE_FIT';

 * @property page_header_class
 * @type {String}
 * @default "layout-hd"
 * @static
PageLayout.page_header_class = 'layout-hd';

 * @property page_body_class
 * @type {String}
 * @default "layout-bd"
 * @static
PageLayout.page_body_class = 'layout-bd';

 * @property page_footer_class
 * @type {String}
 * @default "layout-ft"
 * @static
PageLayout.page_footer_class = 'layout-ft';

 * @property module_rows_class
 * @type {String}
 * @value "layout-module-row"
 * @static
PageLayout.module_rows_class = 'layout-module-row';

 * @property module_cols_class
 * @type {String}
 * @value "layout-module-col"
 * @static
PageLayout.module_cols_class = 'layout-module-col';

 * @property module_class
 * @type {String}
 * @default "layout-module"
 * @static
PageLayout.module_class = 'layout-module';

 * @property module_header_class
 * @type {String}
 * @default "layout-m-hd"
 * @static
PageLayout.module_header_class = 'layout-m-hd';

 * @property module_body_class
 * @type {String}
 * @default "layout-m-bd"
 * @static
PageLayout.module_body_class = 'layout-m-bd';

 * @property module_footer_class
 * @type {String}
 * @default "layout-m-ft"
 * @static
PageLayout.module_footer_class = 'layout-m-ft';

 * @property not_managed_class
 * @type {String}
 * @default "layout-not-managed"
 * @static
PageLayout.not_managed_class = 'layout-not-managed';

 * @property collapse_vert_nub_class
 * @type {String}
 * @default "layout-vert-collapse-nub"
 * @static
PageLayout.collapse_vert_nub_class = 'layout-vert-collapse-nub';

 * @property collapse_left_nub_class
 * @type {String}
 * @default "layout-left-collapse-nub"
 * @static
PageLayout.collapse_left_nub_class = 'layout-left-collapse-nub';

 * @property collapse_right_nub_class
 * @type {String}
 * @default "layout-right-collapse-nub"
 * @static
PageLayout.collapse_right_nub_class = 'layout-right-collapse-nub';

 * @property expand_vert_nub_class
 * @type {String}
 * @default "layout-vert-expand-nub"
 * @static
PageLayout.expand_vert_nub_class = 'layout-vert-expand-nub';

 * @property expand_left_nub_class
 * @type {String}
 * @default "layout-left-expand-nub"
 * @static
PageLayout.expand_left_nub_class = 'layout-left-expand-nub';

 * @property expand_right_nub_class
 * @type {String}
 * @default "layout-right-expand-nub"
 * @static
PageLayout.expand_right_nub_class = 'layout-right-expand-nub';

 * @property collapsed_vert_class
 * @type {String}
 * @default "layout-collapsed-vert"
 * @static
PageLayout.collapsed_vert_class = 'layout-collapsed-vert';

 * @property collapsed_horiz_class
 * @type {String}
 * @default "layout-collapsed-horiz"
 * @static
PageLayout.collapsed_horiz_class = 'layout-collapsed-horiz';

 * @property min_module_height
 * @type {Number}
 * @default 10 (px)
 * @static
PageLayout.min_module_height = 10; // px

PageLayout.unmanaged_size = -1; // smaller than any module size (collapsed size = - normal size)

var mode_regex          = /\bFIT_TO_[A-Z_]+/,
	row_height_class_re = /(?:^|\s)height:([0-9]+)%/,
	col_width_class_re  = /(?:^|\s)width:([0-9]+)%/,

	reflow_delay = 100, // ms

	plugin_info =
			module:     'gallery-layout-rows',
			plugin:     'PageLayoutRows',
			outer_size: row_height_class_re,
			inner_size: col_width_class_re
			module:     'gallery-layout-cols',
			plugin:     'PageLayoutCols',
			outer_size: col_width_class_re,
			inner_size: row_height_class_re
	dd_group_name:            'satg-layout-dd-group',
	drag_target_class:        'satg-layout-dd-target',
	drag_nub_class:           'satg-layout-dragnub',
	module_header_drag_class: 'satg-layout-draggable',
	module_no_drag_class:     'satg-layout-drag-disabled',
	bomb_sight_class:         'satg-layout-bomb-sight satg-layout-bomb-sight-rows',

	the_dd_targets = {};
	the_dd_nubs    = {};

function init()
	this.viewport =
		w:   0,
		h:   0,
		bcw: 0

	// find header, body, footer

	var page_blocks = Y.one(this.get('body')).get('children');

	var list = page_blocks.filter('.'+PageLayout.page_header_class);
	if (list.size() > 1)
		throw Error('There must be at most one div with class ' + PageLayout.page_header_class);
	this.header_container = (list.isEmpty() ? null : list.item(0));

	list = page_blocks.filter('.'+PageLayout.page_body_class);
	if (list.size() != 1)
		throw Error('There must be exactly one div with class ' + PageLayout.page_body_class);
	this.body_container = list.item(0);

	this.body_horiz_mbp = this.body_container.horizMarginBorderPadding();
	this.body_vert_mbp  = this.body_container.vertMarginBorderPadding();

	var m = this.body_container.get('className').match(mode_regex);
	if (m && m.length)
		this.set('mode', PageLayout[ m[0] ]);

	list = page_blocks.filter('.'+PageLayout.page_footer_class);
	if (list.size() > 1)
		throw Error('There must be at most one div with class ' + PageLayout.page_footer_class);
	this.footer_container = (list.isEmpty() ? null : list.item(0));

	Y.one(Y.config.win).on('resize', resize, this);


	// stay in sync

	this.after('modeChange', function()

		if (this.body_container)
			this.body_container.scrollTop = 0;


	this.after('minWidthChange', resize);
	this.after('minHeightChange', resize);

	this.after('stickyFooterChange', function()

	this.after('matchColumnHeightsChange', resize);

 * Normalize the list of sizes so they add up to 100%.
function normalizeSizes(
	/* array */	list,
	/* regex */	pattern)
	// collect sizes

	var sizes = Y.map(list, function(module)
		if (module.hasClass(PageLayout.not_managed_class))
			return PageLayout.unmanaged_size;

		var m = module.get('className').match(pattern);
		return (m && m.length ? parseInt(m[1], 10) : 0);

	// analyze

	var info = Y.reduce(sizes, [0,0], function(value, size)
		if (size > 0)
			value[0] += size;
		else if (size === 0)
		return value;

	var sum = info[0], blank_count = info[1];

	// fill in blanks

	if (blank_count > 0)
		var blank_size = Math.max((100 - sum) / blank_count, 10);

		sizes = Y.map(sizes, function(size)
			return (size === 0 ? blank_size : size);

		sum = Y.reduce(sizes, 0, function(sum, size, i)
			return (size < 0 ? sum : sum + size);

	// normalize

	return Y.map(sizes, function(size)
		return (size > 0 ? size * (100.0 / sum) : size);

function updateFitClass()
		this.get('mode') === PageLayout.FIT_TO_VIEWPORT ? 'FIT_TO_VIEWPORT' : 'FIT_TO_CONTENT');

function reparentFooter()
	if (!this.footer_container)

	if (this.get('mode') === PageLayout.FIT_TO_VIEWPORT || this.get('stickyFooter'))
		this.body_container.get('parentNode').insertBefore(this.footer_container, this.body_container.next(function(node)
			return node.get('tagName') != 'SCRIPT';

function resize()
	if (!this.layout_plugin || !this.body_container)

	// check if viewport changed

	var mode          = this.single_module ? Y.PageLayout.FIT_TO_VIEWPORT : this.get('mode');
	var sticky_footer = this.get('stickyFooter');

		mode === Y.PageLayout.FIT_TO_CONTENT ? 'auto' : 'hidden');
		mode === Y.PageLayout.FIT_TO_CONTENT ? 'scroll' : 'hidden');

	var viewport =
		w: Y.DOM.winWidth(),
		h: Y.DOM.winHeight()

	var resize_event = arguments[0] && arguments[0].type == 'resize';
	if (resize_event &&
		(viewport.w === this.viewport.w &&
		 viewport.h === this.viewport.h))

	this.viewport = viewport;

	this.fire('beforeReflow');	// after confirming that viewport really has changed


	// set width of hd,bd,ft and height of bd

	var min_width  = Y.Node.emToPx(this.get('minWidth'));
	var body_width = Math.max(this.viewport.w, min_width);
	if (this.header_container)
		this.header_container.setStyle('width', body_width+'px');
	this.body_container.setStyle('width', (body_width - this.body_horiz_mbp)+'px');
	if (this.footer_container)
		this.footer_container.setStyle('width', sticky_footer ? body_width+'px' : 'auto');
	body_width = this.body_container.get('clientWidth') - this.body_horiz_mbp;

	this.viewport.bcw = this.body_container.get('clientWidth');

	var h     = this.viewport.h;
	var h_min = Y.Node.emToPx(this.get('minHeight'));
	if (mode === Y.PageLayout.FIT_TO_VIEWPORT && h < h_min)
		h = h_min;
		Y.one(document.documentElement).setStyle('overflowY', 'auto');
	else if (!window.console || !window.console.layout_force_viewport_scrollbars)	// remove inactive vertical scrollbar in IE
		Y.one(document.documentElement).setStyle('overflowY', 'hidden');

	if (this.header_container)
		h -= this.header_container.get('offsetHeight');
	if (this.footer_container &&
		(mode === Y.PageLayout.FIT_TO_VIEWPORT || sticky_footer))
		h -= this.footer_container.get('offsetHeight');

	if (mode === Y.PageLayout.FIT_TO_VIEWPORT)
		var body_height = h - this.body_vert_mbp;
	else if (h < 0)						// FIT_TO_CONTENT doesn't enforce min height
		h = 10 + this.body_vert_mbp;	// arbitrary, positive number

	this.body_container.setStyle('height', (h - this.body_vert_mbp)+'px');

	// resize modules

	this.layout_plugin.resize.call(this, mode, body_width, body_height);


	// show body and footer

	this.body_container.setStyle('visibility', 'visible');
	if (this.footer_container)
		this.footer_container.setStyle('visibility', 'visible');

	Y.later(100, this, checkViewportSize);

 * Check if the viewport size has changed, usually due to the browser
 * removing no-longer-needed scrollbars.  If the viewport size is
 * stable, fires the afterReflow event.
function checkViewportSize()
	if (Y.DOM.winWidth()                       != this.viewport.w ||
		Y.DOM.winHeight()                      != this.viewport.h ||
		this.body_container.get('clientWidth') != this.viewport.bcw)

function saveScrollPositions()
	var outer_count = this.body_info.outers.size();
	for (var i=0; i<outer_count; i++)
		var modules     = this.body_info.modules[i];
		var inner_count = modules.size();
		for (var j=0; j<inner_count; j++)
			var module   = modules.item(j),
				children = this._analyzeModule(module);

			module._page_layout = !children.bd ? null :
				children:     children,
				bdScrollTop:  children.bd.get('scrollTop'),
				bdScrollLeft: children.bd.get('scrollLeft')

function restoreScrollPositions()
	var outer_count = this.body_info.outers.size();
	for (var i=0; i<outer_count; i++)
		var modules     = this.body_info.modules[i];
		var inner_count = modules.size();
		for (var j=0; j<inner_count; j++)
			var module = modules.item(j);
			if (module._page_layout)
				var bd = module._page_layout.children.bd;
				bd.set('scrollTop', module._page_layout.bdScrollTop);
				bd.get('scrollLeft', module._page_layout.bdScrollLeft);

 * Expand the module containing the event target.
function expandModule(
	/* event */	e)
	var node = e.currentTarget;

	function expand(
		/* string */	parent_class_name,
		/* string */	collapsed_class)
		var p = node.getAncestorByClassName(this.layout_plugin.collapse_classes[parent_class_name]);
		if (p && p.hasClass(collapsed_class))
			var children = this._analyzeModule(p);
			this.fire('beforeExpandModule', { bd: children.bd });


			this.fire('afterExpandModule', { bd: children.bd });

	if (node.hasClass(PageLayout.expand_vert_nub_class))
		expand.call(this, 'vert_parent_class', PageLayout.collapsed_vert_class);
		expand.call(this, 'horiz_parent_class', PageLayout.collapsed_horiz_class);

 * Collapse the module containing the event target.
function collapseModule(
	/* event */	e)
	var node = e.currentTarget;

	function collapse(
		/* string */	parent_class_name,
		/* string */	collapsed_class)
		var p = node.getAncestorByClassName(this.layout_plugin.collapse_classes[parent_class_name]);
		if (p && !p.hasClass(collapsed_class))
			var children = this._analyzeModule(p);
			this.fire('beforeCollapseModule', { bd: children.bd });


			this.fire('afterCollapseModule', { bd: children.bd });

	if (node.hasClass(PageLayout.collapse_vert_nub_class))
		collapse.call(this, 'vert_parent_class', PageLayout.collapsed_vert_class);
		collapse.call(this, 'horiz_parent_class', PageLayout.collapsed_horiz_class);

Y.extend(PageLayout, Y.Base,
	initializer: function()
		Y.on('domready', init, this);

	 * Call this after manually adding or removing modules on the page.
	 * @method rescanBody
	rescanBody: function()

		this.body_info =
			outers:      [],
			modules:     [],	// list of modules inside each row
			outer_sizes: [],	// list of percentages
			inner_sizes: []		// list of lists of percentages

		var outer_list  = this.body_container.all('div.' + PageLayout.module_rows_class);
		var plugin_data = plugin_info.row;
		if (outer_list.isEmpty())
			outer_list  = this.body_container.all('div.' + PageLayout.module_cols_class);
			plugin_data = plugin_info.col;
		if (outer_list.isEmpty())
			throw Error('There must be at least one ' + PageLayout.module_rows_class + ' or ' + PageLayout.module_cols_class + ' inside ' + PageLayout.page_body_class + '.');
		this.body_info.outers = outer_list;

		var collapse_nub_pattern =
			'(' +
			PageLayout.collapse_vert_nub_class + '|' +
			PageLayout.collapse_left_nub_class + '|' +
			PageLayout.collapse_right_nub_class +

		var expand_nub_pattern =
			'(' +
			PageLayout.expand_vert_nub_class + '|' +
			PageLayout.expand_left_nub_class + '|' +
			PageLayout.expand_right_nub_class +

		var row_count = this.body_info.outers.size();
		Y.each(this.body_info.outers, function(row)
			var row_id = row.generateID();

			var list = row.all('div.' + PageLayout.module_class);
			if (list.isEmpty())
				this.body_info.outers  = [];
				this.body_info.modules = [];
				throw Error('There must be at least one ' + PageLayout.module_class + ' inside ' + PageLayout.module_rows_class + '.');


			Y.each(list, function(module)
				var nub = module.getFirstElementByClassName(collapse_nub_pattern);
				if (nub)
					nub.on('PageLayoutCollapse|click', collapseModule, this);

				nub = module.getFirstElementByClassName(expand_nub_pattern);
				if (nub)
					nub.on('PageLayoutCollapse|click', expandModule, this);
			if (PageLayoutDDProxy)
				var has_nubs = false;
				Y.each(list, function(module)
					var id = module.generateID();

					if (the_dd_nubs[id])
						has_nubs = (the_dd_nubs[id] != 'none');
						var nub = module.getFirstElementByClassName(PageLayout.drag_nub_class);
						if (nub)
							var children = this._analyzeModule(module);
							if (children.hd)
								the_dd_nubs[id] =
									new PageLayoutDDProxy(this, id, children.hd, PageLayout.dd_group_name);
								has_nubs = true;

						if (!the_dd_nubs[id])
							the_dd_nubs[id] = 'none';

				if (!the_dd_targets[ row_id ] &&
					(has_nubs || row.hasClass(PageLayout.drag_target_class)))
					the_dd_targets[ row_id ] = new DDTarget(row_id, PageLayout.dd_group_name);

				if (list.size() == 1)
				normalizeSizes(list, plugin_data.inner_size));

		this.body_info.outer_sizes =
			normalizeSizes(this.body_info.outers, plugin_data.outer_size);

		this.single_module = false;
		if (this.body_info.outers.size() == 1 && this.body_info.modules[0].size() == 1 &&
			plugin_data        = plugin_info.row;
			this.single_module = true;

		var self = this;
		Y.use(plugin_data.module, function(Y)
				n.setStyle('display', 'none');

			self.layout_plugin = Y[ plugin_data.plugin ];
			updateFitClass.call(self);	// plugin may modify it

	 * @method getHeaderHeight
	 * @return {Number} the height of the sticky header in pixels
	getHeaderHeight: function()
		return (this.header_container ? this.header_container.get('offsetHeight') : 0);

	 * @method getHeaderContainer
	 * @return {Node} the header container (layout-hd) or null if there is no header
	getHeaderContainer: function()
		return this.header_container;

	 * @method getBodyHeight
	 * @return {Number} the height of the scrolling body in pixels
	getBodyHeight: function()
		return this.body_container.get('offsetHeight');

	 * @method getBodyContainer
	 * @return {Node} the body container (layout-bd)
	getBodyContainer: function()
		return this.body_container;

	 * @method getFooterHeight
	 * @return {Number} the height of the sticky footer in pixels or zero if the footer is not sticky
	getFooterHeight: function()
		return (this.get('stickyFooter') && this.footer_container ?
				this.footer_container.get('offsetHeight') : 0);

	 * @method getFooterContainer
	 * @return {Node} the footer container (layout-ft), or null if there is no footer
	getFooterContainer: function()
		return this.footer_container;

	 * @method moduleIsCollapsed
	 * @param node {String|Node} .layout-module
	 * @return {Boolean} true if module is collapsed
	moduleIsCollapsed: function(
		/* string/Node */	node)
		var collapsed_pattern =
			'(' +
			PageLayout.collapsed_horiz_class + '|' +
			PageLayout.collapses_vert_class +

		node = Y.one(node);
		if (node.getFirstElementByClassName(this.layout_plugin.collapse_classes.collapse_parent_pattern))
			node = node.get('parentNode');

		return node.hasClass(collapsed_pattern);

	 * Expand the specified module.
	 * @method expandModule
	 * @param node {String|Node} .layout-module
	expandModule: function(
		/* string/Node */	node)
		node    = Y.one(node);
		var nub = node.getFirstElementByClassName(PageLayout.expand_vert_nub_class);
		if (!nub)
			var expand_horiz_nub_pattern =
				'(' +
				PageLayout.expand_left_nub_class + '|' +
				PageLayout.expand_right_nub_class +

			nub = node.getFirstElementByClassName(expand_horiz_nub_pattern);

		if (nub)
			expandModule.call(this, { currentTarget: nub });

	 * Collapse the specified module.
	 * @method collapseModule
	 * @param node {String|Node} .layout-module
	collapseModule: function(
		/* string/Node */	node)
		node    = Y.one(node);
		var nub = node.getFirstElementByClassName(PageLayout.collapse_vert_nub_class);
		if (!nub)
			var collapse_horiz_nub_pattern =
				'(' +
				PageLayout.collapse_left_nub_class + '|' +
				PageLayout.collapse_right_nub_class +

			nub = node.getFirstElementByClassName(collapse_horiz_nub_pattern);

		if (nub)
			collapseModule.call(this, { currentTarget: nub });

	 * Toggle the collapsed state of the specified layout-module.
	 * @method toggleModule
	 * @param module {String|Node} .layout-module
	toggleModule: function(
		/* string/Node */	module)
		module = Y.one(module);	// optimization
		if (this.moduleIsCollapsed(module))

	 * Call this when something changes size, to request a reflow of the
	 * layout.
	 * @method elementResized
	 * @param el {String|Node} element that changed size
	 * @return {Boolean} true if the element is inside the managed containers
	elementResized: function(
		/* string/Node */	el)
		el = Y.one(el);

		if ((this.header_container && this.header_container.contains(el)) ||
			(this.body_container && this.body_container.contains(el)) ||
			(this.footer_container && this.footer_container.contains(el)))
			if (this.refresh_timer)

			var t1 = (new Date()).getTime();
			this.refresh_timer = Y.later(reflow_delay, this, function()
				this.refresh_timer = null;

				// if JS is really busy, wait a bit longer

				var t2 = (new Date()).getTime();
				if (t2 > t1 + 2*reflow_delay)
					Y.log('deferred reflow: ' + (t2-t1), 'info', 'layout');

			return true;
			return false;

	 * Returns the components of the module.
	 * @method _analyzeModule
	 * @private
	 * @param root {Node} .layout-module
	 * @return {Object} root,hd,bd,ft
	_analyzeModule: function(
		/* node */	root)
		var result =
			root: root,
			hd:   null,
			bd:   null,
			ft:   null

		// two step process avoid scanning into the module body

		var bd = root.one('.'+PageLayout.module_body_class);
		if (!bd)
			return result;

		var list = bd.siblings().filter('.'+PageLayout.module_body_class);
		result.bd = list.find(function(n)
			return (n.get('offsetWidth') > 0);
		if (!result.bd)
			result.bd = bd;

		if (result.bd)
			result.hd = result.bd.siblings().filter('.'+PageLayout.module_header_class).item(0);
			result.ft = result.bd.siblings().filter('.'+PageLayout.module_footer_class).item(0);

		return result;

	 * Set the width of a module.
	 * @method _setWidth
	 * @private
	 * @param children {Object} root,hd,bd,ft
	 * @param w {Number} width in pixels
	_setWidth: function(
		/* object */	children,
		/* int */		w)
		children.root.setStyle('width', w+'px');

Y.PageLayout = PageLayout;