API Docs for: 1.0.0

File: src/gallery-io-adobe-air/js/air.js

"use strict";

 * Implements transport protocol for Adobe AIR.  Based on YUI io-nodejs module.
 * @module gallery-io-adobe-air

Flatten headers object
@method flatten
@for IO
@param {Object} o The headers object
@return {String} The flattened headers object
function flatten(o)
	var str = [];
	Y.each(o, function(value, key)
		str.push(name + ': ' + o[name]);
	return str.join('\n');

Y.log('Loading Adobe AIR Request Transport', 'info', 'io');

Adboe AIR IO transport, uses the URLLoader class under the hood to perform
all network IO.

@method transports.adobe-air
@for IO
@return {Object} This object contains only a `send` method that accepts a
`transaction object`, `uri` and the `config object`.

Y.IO.transports['adobe-air'] = function()
	return {
		send: function (transaction, uri, config)
			Y.log('Starting URLLoader Transaction', 'info', 'io');
			config.notify('start', transaction, config);
			config.method = (config.method || 'GET').toUpperCase();

			var body = '';
			if (config.data)
				if (Y.Lang.isString(config.data))
					body = config.data;

				if (body && config.method === 'GET')
					uri += (uri.indexOf('?') == -1 ? '?' : '&') + body;
					body = '';

			Y.log('Initiating ' + config.method + ' request to: ' + uri, 'info', 'io');
			Y.log('Message body: ' + body, 'debug', 'io');

			var request    = new air.URLRequest(uri);
			request.method = air.URLRequestMethod[ config.method ];
			request.data  = body;

			if (config.headers)
				if (config.headers['Content-Type'])
					request.contentType = config.headers['Content-Type'];
					delete config.headers['Content-Type'];

				Y.each(config.headers, function(value, name)
					request.requestHeaders[ name ] = value;

			if (config.request)
				Y.each(config.request, function(value, key)
					request[key] = value;

			var loader      = new air.URLLoader(),
				status_code = 0;

			loader.addEventListener('httpStatus', function(event)
				status_code = event.status;

			loader.addEventListener(air.Event.COMPLETE, function(event)
				Y.log('Request Transaction Complete', 'info', 'io');
				Y.log('Response body: ' + event.target.data, 'debug', 'io');

				var data = event.target.data;
				if (data)
					transaction.c =
						status:       status_code,
						statusCode:   status_code,
						statusText:   '',
						headers:      [],
						responseText: data || '',
						responseXML:  null,

						getResponseHeader: function(name)
							return this.headers[name];
						getAllResponseHeaders: function()
							return flatten(this.headers);

				config.notify('complete', transaction, config);
				config.notify(((data && (status_code >= 200 && status_code <= 299)) ? 'success' : 'failure'), transaction, config);

			loader.addEventListener('ioError', function(event)
				Y.log('An IO error occurred (' + status_code + '): ' + event.target.data, 'warn', 'io');

				transaction.c =
					status:       status_code,
					statusCode:   status_code,
					statusText:   event.text,
					errorCode:    event.errorID
				config.notify('failure', transaction, config);

			catch (error)
				Y.later(0, null, function()
					Y.log('Unable to load URL (' + uri + '): ' + error, 'error', 'io');
					transaction.c = error;
					config.notify('failure', transaction, config);

			var result =
				io: transaction
			return result;
