API Docs for: 1.0.0

File: src/gallery-complexnumber/js/ComplexNumber.js

"use strict";

 * @module gallery-complexnumber

 * Class for representing a complex number.
 * @class ComplexNumber
 * @constructor
 * @param real=0 {number} the real component
 * @param imag=0 {number} the imaginary component
function ComplexNumber(real, imag)
	this.r = real || 0;
	this.i = imag || 0;

 * Construct a ComplexNumber from polar coordinates.
 * @method fromPolar
 * @static
 * @param magnitude {number}
 * @param phase {number}
 * @return ComplexNumber
ComplexNumber.fromPolar = function(magnitude, phase)
	return new ComplexNumber(
		magnitude * Math.cos(phase),
		magnitude * Math.sin(phase));

const logToLog10 = 1/Math.log(10);

ComplexNumber.prototype =
	 * @method real
	 * @return {number} real component
	real: function()
		return this.r;

	 * @method imag
	 * @return {number} imaginary component
	imag: function()
		return this.i;

	 * @method magnitude
	 * @return {number} length of the vector in the complex plane
	magnitude: function()
		return Math.sqrt(this.r*this.r + this.i*this.i);

	 * @method phase
	 * @return {number} angle of the vector (in radians) in the complex plane relative to the positive real axis
	phase: function()
		return Math.atan2(this.i, this.r);

	 * Equivalent of += operator.
	 * @method add
	 * @param v {number}
	 * @chainable
	add: function(v)

		if (ComplexMath.isComplexNumber(v))
			this.r += v.r;
			this.i += v.i;
			this.r += v;

		return this;

	 * Equivalent of -= operator.
	 * @method subtract
	 * @param v {number}
	 * @chainable
	subtract: function(v)

		if (ComplexMath.isComplexNumber(v))
			this.r -= v.r;
			this.i -= v.i;
			this.r -= v;

		return this;

	 * Equivalent of *= operator.
	 * @method multiply
	 * @param v {number}
	 * @chainable
	multiply: function(v)

		if (ComplexMath.isComplexNumber(v))
			var r = this.r*v.r - this.i*v.i;
			var i = this.r*v.i + this.i*v.r;

			this.r = r;
			this.i = i;
			this.r *= v;
			this.i *= v;

		return this;

	 * Equivalent of /= operator.
	 * @method divide
	 * @chainable
	 * @param v {number}
	divide: function(v)

		if (ComplexMath.isComplexNumber(v))
			var x  = ComplexMath.divide(this, v);
			this.r = x.r;
			this.i = x.i;
			this.r /= v;
			this.i /= v;

		return this;

	 * Equivalent of unary minus operator.
	 * @method negate
	 * @chainable
	negate: function()

		this.r = - this.r;
		this.i = - this.i;

		return this;

	 * Negates the imaginary part.
	 * @method conjugate
	 * @chainable
	conjugate: function()

		this.i = - this.i;

		return this;

	 * Rotates the number around the origin by the specified angle in radians.
	 * @method rotate
	 * @chainable
	 * @param angle {number}
	rotate: function(
		/* float */	angle)

		this.multiply(ComplexNumber.fromPolar(1, angle));

		return this;

	 * @method roundTo
	 * @chainable
	 * @param p {number} precision
	roundTo: function(p)

		function computeScale(v)
			return Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log(Math.abs(v))*logToLog10) - p);

		var scale = Math.max(computeScale(this.r), computeScale(this.i));

		this.r = Math.round(this.r / scale, p) * scale;
		this.i = Math.round(this.i / scale, p) * scale;

		return this;

	toString: function()
		function i(v)
			return  v ===  1 ?  'i' :
					v === -1 ? '-i' :
					v + 'i';

		if (this.i === 0)
			return this.r.toString();
		else if (this.r === 0)
			return i(this.i);
			return this.r + (this.i > 0 ? '+' : '') + i(this.i);

Y.ComplexNumber = ComplexNumber;