API Docs for: 1.0.0

File: src/gallery-accordion-horiz-vert/js/FixedSizePlugin.js

 * @module gallery-accordion-horiz-vert

 * <p>Plugin for Y.Accordion that detects that the widget has a fixed size
 * in the relevant dimension (width or height) and adjusts the open
 * sections to fit.</p>
 * <p>If/when the widget is given a fixed size, all animations are turned
 * off.</p>
 * @class FixedSizeAccordion
 * @namespace Plugin
 * @constructor
function FixedSizeAccordionPlugin()
	FixedSizeAccordionPlugin.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

FixedSizeAccordionPlugin.NAME = "FixedSizeAccordionPlugin";
FixedSizeAccordionPlugin.NS   = "fixedsize";

FixedSizeAccordionPlugin.ATTRS =

var animation_attrs =

var total_size =
	width:  'totalWidth',
	height: 'totalHeight'

var overflow =
	width:  'overflowX',
	height: 'overflowY'

var surrounding =
	width:  'horizMarginBorderPadding',
	height: 'vertMarginBorderPadding'

function off(
	/* string */	name)
	this.set(name, false);
	this.modifyAttr(name, { readOnly: true });

function adjust()
	var host = this.get('host');
	if (!this.init_fixed_size)
		Y.Array.each(animation_attrs, off, host);

		if (!host.get('rendered'))
			this.afterHostEvent('render', adjust, this);

		this.onHostEvent('insert', function()
			Y.later(1, this, adjust);	// may be modified after insertion

		this.onHostEvent('remove', adjust, this);
		this.onHostEvent('open', adjust, this);
		this.onHostEvent('close', adjust, this);

		this.init_fixed_size = true;

	var dim   = host.slide_style_name;
	var total = host.get('boundingBox').parseDimensionStyle(dim);
	var count = host.getSectionCount();
	var open  = [];
	for (var i=0; i<count; i++)
		total -= host.getTitle(i)[ total_size[dim] ]();
		if (host.isSectionOpen(i))

	count     = open.length;
	var size  = Math.floor(total / count);
	var extra = total % count;
	for (i=0; i<count; i++)
		var section = host.getSection(open[i]);
		var size1   = size - section[ surrounding[dim] ]();
		if (i === count-1)
			size1 += extra;

		section.setStyle(dim, size1+'px');
		section.setStyle(overflow[dim], 'auto');

Y.extend(FixedSizeAccordionPlugin, Y.Plugin.Base,
	initializer: function(config)
		var host = this.get('host');
		var dim  = host.slide_style_name;

		this.init_fixed_size = false;
		if (host.get(dim))

		this.afterHostEvent(dim+'Change', function()
			Y.later(1, this, adjust);

Y.Plugin.FixedSizeAccordion = FixedSizeAccordionPlugin;