API Docs for: 1.0.0

File: src/gallery-treeble/js/Treeble.js

 * Treeble displays a tree of data in a table.
 * @module gallery-treeble
 * @main gallery-treeble

 * Extension to DataTable for displaying tree data.
 * @class Treeble
 * @extends DataTable
 * @constructor
 * @param config {Object}
function Treeble()
	Treeble.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Treeble.NAME = "datatable";		// same styling

 * <p>Formatter for open/close twistdown.</p>
 * @method twistdownFormatter
 * @static
 * @param sendRequest {Function} Function that reloads DataTable
Treeble.buildTwistdownFormatter = function(sendRequest)
	return function(o)

		var ds  = this.datasource.get('datasource');
		var key = ds.get('root').treeble_config.childNodesKey;

		if (o.data[key])
			var path = o.data._yui_node_path;

				ds.isOpen(path) ? 'row-open' : 'row-closed');

			YUI.Env.add(Y.Node.getDOMNode(o.td), 'click', function()
				ds.toggle(path, {}, sendRequest);

			o.cell.set('innerHTML', '<a class="treeble-expand-nub" href="javascript:void(0);"></a>');

		return false;	// discard Y.Node instances

 * <p>Default formatter for indented column.</p>
 * @method treeValueFormatter
 * @static
Treeble.treeValueFormatter = function(o)
	var depth_class = 'treeble-depth-'+o.data._yui_node_depth;
	o.rowClass     += ' ' + depth_class;
	o.className    += ' treeble-value';
	return '<span class="'+depth_class+'">'+o.value+'</span>';

Y.extend(Treeble, Y.DataTable,
	plug: function(plugin, config)
		if (plugin === Y.Plugin.DataTableDataSource)
			var recordType = this.get('recordType');
			recordType.ATTRS[ config.datasource.get('root').treeble_config.childNodesKey ] = {};
			recordType.ATTRS._yui_node_path  = {};
			recordType.ATTRS._yui_node_depth = {};

		Treeble.superclass.plug.apply(this, arguments);

Y.Treeble = Treeble;