API Docs for: 1.0.0

File: src/gallery-accordion-horiz-vert/js/Accordion.js

"use strict";

var use_nonzero_empty_div = (0 < Y.UA.ie && Y.UA.ie < 8),
	browser_can_animate = !(0 < Y.UA.ie && Y.UA.ie < 8),
	section_min_size = (use_nonzero_empty_div ? 1 : 0);

 * Widget to manage an accordion, either horizontally or vertically.
 * Allows either multiple open sections or only a single open section.
 * Provides option to always force at least one item to be open.
 * @module gallery-accordion-horiz-vert
 * @main gallery-accordion-horiz-vert

 * <p>An accordion can be constructed from existing markup or from strings
 * containing HTML.  Existing markup can be provided either by setting
 * `contentBox` or by specifying CSS selectors.  See the `titles` and
 * `sections` attributes.</p>
 * <p>When constructing from existing markup via `contentBox`, use an
 * unordered list (&lt;ul&gt;).  Each item must contain two &lt;div&gt;'s.
 * The first one is used as the section title, and the second one is used
 * as the section content.</p>
 * <p>Animation is optional.  If the anim module is not available,
 * animation is automatically turned off.</p>
 * <p>When using a horizontal accordion:</p>
 * <ul>
 * <li>The widget's container must have a height.</li>
 * <li>Each title must have both a width and height.</li>
 * <li>Each section must have a width.</li>
 * </ul>
 * <p>IE doesn't accept zero height divs, so we use 1px height and zero
 * opacity.  IE6 doesn't always render correctly with opacity set, so if
 * animation is turned off, we don't use opacity at all.</p>
 * @class Accordion
 * @constructor
 * @param config {Object} Widget configuration
function Accordion(config)
	config = config || {};
	if (Y.Lang.isUndefined(config.tabIndex))
		config.tabIndex = null;
	if (Y.Lang.isUndefined(config.horizontal))
		config.horizontal = false;

	Accordion.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);

function initAnimationFlag()
	return !Y.Lang.isUndefined(Y.Anim);

function filterAnimationFlag(value)
	return (value && browser_can_animate && !Y.Lang.isUndefined(Y.Anim));

Accordion.NAME = "accordion";

Accordion.ATTRS =
	 * Whether or not the accordion is horizontal.
	 * @attribute horizontal
	 * @type {boolean}
	 * @default false
	 * @writeonce
		value:     false,
		writeOnce: true

	 * A CSS selector for locating nodes, an array of nodes, or an array
	 * of strings containing markup.  This is used to define the initial
	 * set of section titles.
	 * @attribute titles
	 * @type {String|Array}
	 * @writeonce
		writeOnce: true

	 * Whether or not to replace the default title container node, when the
	 * supplied title is a node.  (If the supplied title is markup, it is
	 * always inserted inside the default title container.)
	 * @attribute replaceTitleContainer
	 * @type {boolean}
	 * @default true
		value:     true,
		validator: Y.Lang.isBoolean

	 * A CSS selector for locating nodes, an array of nodes, or an array
	 * of strings containing markup.  This is used to define the initial
	 * set of section contents.
	 * @attribute sections
	 * @type {String|Array}
	 * @writeonce
		writeOnce: true

	 * Whether or not to replace the default section container node, when
	 * the supplied title is a node.  (If the supplied content is markup,
	 * it is always inserted inside the default section container.)
	 * @attribute replaceSectionContainer
	 * @type {boolean}
	 * @default true
		value:     true,
		validator: Y.Lang.isBoolean

	 * Whether or not to allow all sections to be closed at the same time.
	 * If not, at least one section will always be open.
	 * @attribute allowAllClosed
	 * @type {boolean}
	 * @default false
		value:     false,
		validator: Y.Lang.isBoolean,
		setter: function(value)
			// save internally so it can be modified without recursion
			this.allow_all_closed = value;
			return value;

	 * Whether or not to allow multiple sections to be open at the same
	 * time.  If not, at most one section at a time will be open.
	 * @attribute allowMultipleOpen
	 * @type {boolean}
	 * @default false
		value:     false,
		validator: Y.Lang.isBoolean

	 * Whether or not to animate the initial rendering of the widget.
	 * @attribute animateRender
	 * @type {boolean}
	 * @default false
		value:     false,
		writeOnce: true,
		validator: Y.Lang.isBoolean,
		setter:    filterAnimationFlag

	 * Whether or not to animate insertion and removal of sections.
	 * @attribute animateInsertRemove
	 * @type {boolean}
	 * @default true
		valueFn:   initAnimationFlag,
		validator: Y.Lang.isBoolean,
		setter:    filterAnimationFlag

	 * Whether or not to animate opening and closing of sections.
	 * @attribute animateOpenClose
	 * @type {boolean}
	 * @default true
		valueFn:   initAnimationFlag,
		validator: Y.Lang.isBoolean,
		setter:    filterAnimationFlag

	 * Duration of all animations.
	 * @attribute animateDuration
	 * @type {int}
	 * @default whatever Y.Anim default is
		value:     null,		// accept Y.Anim default
		validator: function(value)
			return (value === null || Y.Lang.isNumber(value));

	 * Easing applied to all animations.
	 * @attribute animateEasing
	 * @type {function}
	 * @default whatever Y.Anim default is
		value:     null,		// accept Y.Anim default
		validator: function(value)
			return (value === null || Y.Lang.isFunction(value));

Accordion.HTML_PARSER =
	titles: function(content_box)
		return content_box.all('> li > div:nth-child(1)');

	sections: function(content_box)
		return content_box.all('> li > div:nth-child(2)');

 * @event beforeInsert
 * @description Fires before a section is inserted.
 * @param index {int} the insertion index
 * @event insert
 * @description Fires after a section is inserted.
 * @param index {int} the insertion index
 * @param size {int} the final size of the section title, after animation (if any)

 * @event beforeRemove
 * @description Fires before a section is removed.
 * @param index {int} the section index
 * @event remove
 * @description Fires after a section is removed.
 * @param index {int} the section index

 * @event beforeOpen
 * @description Fires before a section is opened.
 * @param index {int} the section index
 * @event open
 * @description Fires after a section is opened.
 * @param index {int} the section index

 * @event beforeClose
 * @description Fires before a section is closed.
 * @param index {int} the section index
 * @event close
 * @description Fires after a section is closed.
 * @param index {int} the section index

var open_class   = Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName(Accordion.NAME, 'open');
var closed_class = Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName(Accordion.NAME, 'closed');

function cleanContainer(
	/* Node */	el)
	Y.Event.purgeElement(el, true);

	while (el.hasChildNodes())

Y.extend(Accordion, Y.Widget,
	initializer: function(config)
		this.section_list = [];

		this.get('allowAllClosed');	// force init of this.allow_all_closed

		if (this.get('horizontal'))
			this.slide_style_name = 'width';
			this.slide_size_name  = 'offsetWidth';
			this.fixed_style_name = 'height';
			this.fixed_size_name  = 'offsetHeight';
		else	// vertical
			this.slide_style_name = 'height';
			this.slide_size_name  = 'offsetHeight';
			this.fixed_style_name = 'width';
			this.fixed_size_name  = 'offsetWidth';

		this.after('allowMultipleOpenChange', function(e)
			if (this.section_list && this.section_list.length > 0 &&

		this.after('allowAllClosedChange', function(e)
			if (this.section_list && this.section_list.length > 0 &&
				!e.newVal && this.allSectionsClosed())

	renderUI: function()
			this.getClassName(this.get('horizontal') ? 'horiz' : 'vert'));

		var titles = this.get('titles');
		if (Y.Lang.isString(titles))
			titles = Y.all(titles);

		var sections = this.get('sections');
		if (Y.Lang.isString(sections))
			sections = Y.all(sections);

		if (titles instanceof Y.NodeList && sections instanceof Y.NodeList &&
			titles.size() == sections.size())
			var save_animate_insert = this.get('animateInsertRemove');
			this.set('animateInsertRemove', this.get('animateRender'));

			var count = titles.size();
			for (var i=0; i<count; i++)
				this.appendSection(titles.item(i), sections.item(i));

			this.set('animateInsertRemove', save_animate_insert);
		else if (titles instanceof Array && sections instanceof Array &&
				 titles.length == sections.length)
			var save_animate_insert = this.get('animateInsertRemove');
			this.set('animateInsertRemove', this.get('animateRender'));

			var count = titles.length;
			for (var i=0; i<count; i++)
				this.appendSection(titles[i], sections[i]);

			this.set('animateInsertRemove', save_animate_insert);
			Y.log('ignoring titles & sections', 'info', 'Accordion');

		this.get('contentBox').all('> li').remove(true);

	 * @method getSectionCount
	 * @return {int} total number of sections
	getSectionCount: function()
		return this.section_list.length;

	 * @method getTitle
	 * @param index {int} the section index
	 * @return {Node} the container for the section title
	getTitle: function(
		/* int */	index)
		return this.section_list[index].title;

	 * Sets the contents of the specified section title.
	 * @method setTitle
	 * @param index {int} the section index
	 * @param title {String|Node} the title content
	setTitle: function(
		/* int */			index,
		/* string/object */	title)
		var t = this.section_list[index].title;

		var el;
		if (Y.Lang.isString(title))
			var el = Y.one(title);
			if (!el)
				t.set('innerHTML', title);
			el = title;

		if (el && this.get('replaceTitleContainer'))
			var p = t.get('parentNode');
			var n = t.get('nextSibling');
			if (n)
				p.insertBefore(el, n);

			this.section_list[index].title = el;

			el.addClass(this.section_list[index].open ? open_class : closed_class);
		else if (el)

		if (use_nonzero_empty_div)
			t.setStyle('display', t.get('innerHTML') ? '' : 'none');

		// aria

		var clip = this.section_list[index].clip;

		t.setAttribute('aria-controls', clip.generateID());
		t.setAttribute('role', 'tab');

		clip.setAttribute('aria-labeledby', t.generateID());
		clip.setAttribute('role', 'tabpanel');

	 * @method getSection
	 * @param index {int} the section index
	 * @return {Node} the container for the section content
	getSection: function(
		/* int */	index)
		return this.section_list[index].content;

	 * Sets the contents of the specified section.
	 * @method setSection
	 * @param index {int} the section index
	 * @param content {String|Node} the section content
	setSection: function(
		/* int */			index,
		/* string/object */	content)
		var d = this.section_list[index].content;

		var el;
		if (Y.Lang.isString(content))
			var el = Y.one(content);
			if (!el)
				d.set('innerHTML', content);
			el = content;

		if (el && this.get('replaceSectionContainer'))
			var display = d.getStyle('display');

			var p = d.get('parentNode');
			var n = d.get('nextSibling');
			if (n)
				p.insertBefore(el, n);

			this.section_list[index].content = el;

			el.addClass(this.section_list[index].open ? open_class : closed_class);
			el.setStyle('display', display);
		else if (el)

	 * @method _getClip
	 * @protected
	 * @param index {int} the section index
	 * @return {Node} the clipping container for the section content
	_getClip: function(
		/* int */	index)
		return this.section_list[index].clip;

	 * Prepends the section to the accordion.
	 * @method prependSection
	 * @param title {String|Node} the section title content
	 * @param content {String|Node} the section content
	prependSection: function(
		/* string/object */	title,
		/* string/object */	content)
		return this.insertSection(0, title, content);

	 * Appends the section to the accordion.
	 * @method appendSection
	 * @param title {String|Node} the section title content
	 * @param content {String|Node} the section content
	appendSection: function(
		/* string/object */	title,
		/* string/object */	content)
		return this.insertSection(this.section_list.length, title, content);

	 * Inserts the section into the accordion at the specified location.
	 * @method insertSection
	 * @param index {int} the insertion index
	 * @param title {String|Node} the section title content
	 * @param content {String|Node} the section content
	insertSection: function(
		/* int */			index,
		/* string/object */	title,
		/* string/object */ content)
		this.fire('beforeInsert', index);

		// create title

		var t = Y.Node.create('<div/>');

		// create content clipping

		var c = Y.Node.create('<div/>');
		c.setStyle(this.slide_style_name, section_min_size+'px');
		c.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');
		if (this.get('animateOpenClose'))
			c.setStyle('opacity', 0);

		// create content

		var d = Y.Node.create('<div/>');
		d.setStyle('display', 'none');

		// save in our list

		this.section_list.splice(index, 0,
			title:   t,
			clip:    c,
			content: d,
			open:    false,
			anim:    null

		// insert and show title

		if (index < this.section_list.length-1)
			this.get('contentBox').insertBefore(t, this.section_list[index+1].title);

		this.setTitle(index, title);
		t = this.section_list[index].title;

		var size = t.get(this.slide_size_name);
		if (this.get('animateInsertRemove'))
			t.setStyle(this.slide_style_name, section_min_size+'px');

			var params =
				node: t,
					opacity: 0
					opacity: 1

			params.to[ this.slide_style_name ] = size;

			var anim = this._createAnimator(params);

			anim.on('end', function(type, index)
				this.section_list[index].title.setStyle(this.slide_style_name, 'auto');
			this, index);


		// insert content container

		if (content)
			this.setSection(index, content);
			d = this.section_list[index].content;

		if (index < this.section_list.length-1)
			this.get('contentBox').insertBefore(c, this.section_list[index+1].title);

		// post processing

		this.fire('insert', index, size);

		if (!this.allow_all_closed && this.allSectionsClosed())

		// return containers for futher manipulation

		return { title: t, content: d };

	 * Removes the specified section.
	 * @method removeSection
	 * @param index {int} the section index
	removeSection: function(
		/* int */	index)
		this.fire('beforeRemove', index);

		function onCompleteRemoveSection(type, args)

			if (args[3])
				this.fire('remove', index);

		var onCompleteArgs =

		if (this.get('animateInsertRemove'))
			var params =
				node: this.section_list[index].clip,
					opacity: 1
					opacity: 0

			params.to[ this.slide_style_name ] = section_min_size;

			if (this.section_list[index].open)
				this._startAnimator(index, params);

			params.node = this.section_list[index].title;
			var anim    = this._createAnimator(params);
			anim.on('end', onCompleteRemoveSection, this, onCompleteArgs);
			onCompleteArgs[3] = false;
			onCompleteRemoveSection.call(this, null, onCompleteArgs);

		this.section_list.splice(index, 1);

		if (!onCompleteArgs[3])
			this.fire('remove', index);

		if (!this.allow_all_closed && this.allSectionsClosed())

	 * @method findSection
	 * @param {String|Node} any element inside the section or title
	 * @return {int} the index of the containing section, or -1 if not found
	findSection: function(
		/* string|element */	el)
		el = Y.Node.getDOMNode(Y.one(el));

		var count = this.section_list.length;
		for (var i=0; i<count; i++)
			var title   = Y.Node.getDOMNode(this.section_list[i].title);
			var content = Y.Node.getDOMNode(this.section_list[i].content);
			if (el == title   || Y.DOM.contains(title, el) ||
				el == content || Y.DOM.contains(content, el))
				return i;

		return -1;

	 * @method isSectionOpen
	 * @return {boolean} <code>true</code> if the section is open
	isSectionOpen: function(
		/* int */	index)
		return this.section_list[index].open;

	 * Open the specified section.
	 * @method openSection
	 * @param index {int} the section index
	openSection: function(
		/* int */	index)
		if (!this.section_list[index].open)

	 * Close the specified section.
	 * @method closeSection
	 * @param index {int} the section index
	closeSection: function(
		/* int */	index)
		if (this.section_list[index].open)

	 * @method allSectionsOpen
	 * @return {boolean} <code>true</code> if all sections are open
	allSectionsOpen: function()
		var count = this.section_list.length;
		for (var i=0; i<count; i++)
			if (!this.section_list[i].open)
				return false;

		return true;

	 * @method allSectionsClosed
	 * @return {boolean} <code>true</code> if all sections are closed
	allSectionsClosed: function()
		var count = this.section_list.length;
		for (var i=0; i<count; i++)
			if (this.section_list[i].open)
				return false;

		return true;

	 * Show/hide the section content.
	 * @method toggleSection
	 * @param index {int} the section index
	toggleSection: function(
		/* int */	index)
		if (!this.section_list[index].open && !this.get('allowMultipleOpen'))
			var save              = this.allow_all_closed;
			this.allow_all_closed = true;
			this.allow_all_closed = save;
		else if (this.section_list[index].open && !this.allow_all_closed)
			this.section_list[index].open = false;
			if (this.allSectionsClosed())
				this.section_list[index].open = true;
			this.section_list[index].open = true;

		function onCompleteOpenSection(type, index)
			var clip = this.section_list[index].clip;
			clip.setStyle(this.slide_style_name, 'auto');
			clip.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'false');
			this.fire('open', index);

		function onCompleteCloseSection(type, index)
			this.section_list[index].content.setStyle('display', 'none');
			this.section_list[index].clip.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');
			this.fire('close', index);

		if (!this.section_list[index].open)
			this.section_list[index].content.setStyle('display', 'block');

			this.fire('beforeOpen', index);

			this.section_list[index].open = true;
			this.section_list[index].title.replaceClass(closed_class, open_class);
			this.section_list[index].content.replaceClass(closed_class, open_class);

			var size = this.section_list[index].content.get(this.slide_size_name);
			if (this.get('animateOpenClose'))
				var params =
					node: this.section_list[index].clip,
						opacity: 0
						opacity: 1

				params.to[ this.slide_style_name ] = size;

				var anim = this._startAnimator(index, params);
				anim.on('end', onCompleteOpenSection, this, index);
				var clip = this.section_list[index].clip;
				if (clip.getStyle('opacity') == '0')
					clip.setStyle('opacity', 1);
				onCompleteOpenSection.call(this, null, index);
			this.fire('beforeClose', index);

			this.section_list[index].open = false;
			this.section_list[index].title.replaceClass(open_class, closed_class);
			this.section_list[index].content.replaceClass(open_class, closed_class);

			if (this.get('animateOpenClose'))
				var params =
					node: this.section_list[index].clip,
						opacity: 1
						opacity: 0

				params.to[ this.slide_style_name ] = section_min_size;

				var anim = this._startAnimator(index, params);
				anim.on('end', onCompleteCloseSection, this, index);
				this.section_list[index].clip.setStyle(this.slide_style_name, section_min_size+'px');
				onCompleteCloseSection.call(this, null, index);

	 * Open all sections, if possible.
	 * @method openAllSections
	openAllSections: function()
		if (this.get('allowMultipleOpen'))
			var count = this.section_list.length;
			for (var i=0; i<count; i++)
				if (!this.section_list[i].open)

	 * Close all sections, if possible.
	 * @method closeAllSections
	closeAllSections: function()
		var count = this.section_list.length;
		var first = true;
		for (var i=0; i<count; i++)
			if (this.section_list[i].open)
				if (!this.allow_all_closed && first)
					first = false;

		if (!this.allow_all_closed && first)

	// create an animator with our configured duration and easing

	_createAnimator: function(
		/* object */	params)
		var duration = this.get('animateDuration');
		if (duration !== null)
			params.duration = duration;

		var easing = this.get('animateEasing');
		if (easing !== null)
			params.easing = easing;

		return new Y.Anim(params);

	// Register the animator for a section and start it.

	_startAnimator: function(
		/* int */		index,
		/* object */	params)
		var anim = this.section_list[index].anim;
		if (anim)

		this.section_list[index].anim = anim = this._createAnimator(params);

		anim.on('end', function(type, index, anim)
			if (index < this.section_list.length &&
				this.section_list[ index ].anim == anim)
				this.section_list[ index ].anim = null;
		this, index, anim);


		return anim;

Y.Accordion = Accordion;