Yahoo! UI Library

DataTable  1.0.0

Yahoo! UI Library > DataTable > QuickEdit.js (source view)
 * QuickEdit extension to YUI 2 DataTable
 * Author: / John Lindal
 * @module DataTable
 * @submodule Quick Edit
 * Copyright (c) 2009, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Code licensed under the BSD License:

    var lang = YAHOO.lang,
        Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom;

     * <p>The QuickEditDataTable class extends the DataTable class to
     * provide QuickEdit mode.  (It could just as easily extend
     * ScrollingDataTable.)  QuickEdit mode allows the user to edit all the
     * values that are visible in the table, controlled by the column
     * configuration.  Each editable cell contains an input field.  If the
     * user decides to save the changes, then you can extract the changes
     * by calling <code>getQuickEditChanges()</code>.</p>
     * <p>For a column to be editable in QuickEdit mode, the column
     * configuration must include <code>quickEdit</code>.  The contents of
     * this object define the column's behavior in QuickEdit mode.</p>
     * <p>If a column should not be editable, but needs to be formatted
     * differently in QuickEdit mode, then you must define qeFormatter in
     * the column configuration. This is simply a normal cell formatter
     * function that will be used in QuickEdit mode.  The static functions
     * <code>readonly*QuickEditFormatter</code> provide examples.</p>
     * <p>The following configuration can be provided as part of
     * quickEdit:</p>
     * <dl>
     * <dt>copyDown</dt><dd>If true, the top cell in the column will have a
     * button to copy the value down to the rest of the rows.</dd>
     * <dt>formatter</dt><dd>The cell formatter which will render an
     * appropriate form field: &lt;input type="text"&gt;, &lt;textarea&gt;,
     * or &lt;select&gt;.</dd>
     * <dt>validation</dt><dd>Validation configuration for every field in
     * the column.</dd>
     * </dl>
     * <p>The following configuration can be provided as part of
     * quickEdit.validation:</p>
     * <dl>
     * <dt>css</dt><dd>CSS classes encoding basic validation rules:
     *  <dl>
     *  <dt><code>yiv-required</code></dt>
     *      <dd>Value must not be empty.</dd>
     *  <dt><code>yiv-length:[x,y]</code></dt>
     *      <dd>String must be at least x characters and at most y characters.
     *      At least one of x and y must be specified.</dd>
     *  <dt><code>yiv-integer:[x,y]</code></dt>
     *      <dd>The integer value must be at least x and at most y.
     *      x and y are both optional.</dd>
     *  <dt><code>yiv-decimal:[x,y]</code></dt>
     *      <dd>The decimal value must be at least x and at most y.  Exponents are
     *      not allowed.  x and y are both optional.</dd>
     *  </dl>
     * </dd>
     * <dt>fn</dt><dd>A function that will be called with the DataTable as
     * its scope and the cell's form element as the argument. Return true
     * if the value is valid. Otherwise, call
     * this.displayQuickEditMessage(...) to display an error and return
     * false.</dd>
     * <dt>msg</dt><dd>A map of types to messages that will be displayed
     * when a basic or regex validation rule fails. The valid types are:
     * required, min_length, max_length, integer, decimal, and regex.
     * There is no default for type regex, so you must specify a message if
     * you configure a regex validation.</dd>
     * <dt>regex</dt><dd>Regular expression that the value must satisfy in
     * order to be considered valid.</dd>
     * </dl>
     * <p>Custom QuickEdit Formatters</p>
     * <p>To write a custom cell formatter for QuickEdit mode, you must
     * structure the function as follows:</p>
     * <pre>
     * function myQuickEditFormatter(el, oRecord, oColumn, oData) {
     * &nbsp;&nbsp;var markup =
     * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'&lt;input type="text" class="{yiv} yui-quick-edit yui-quick-edit-key:{key}"/&gt;' +
     * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;YAHOO.widget.QuickEditDataTable.MARKUP_QE_ERROR_DISPLAY;
     * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;el.innerHTML = lang.substitute(markup, {
     * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;key: oColumn.key,
     * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yiv: oColumn.quickEdit.validation ? (oColumn.quickEdit.validation.css || '') : ''
     * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;});
     * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;el.firstChild.value = extractMyEditableValue(oData);
     * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;YAHOO.widget.QuickEditDataTable.copyDownFormatter.apply(this, arguments);
     * };
     * </pre>
     * <p>You can use textarea or select instead of input, but you can only
     * create a single field.</p>
     * <p><code>extractMyEditableValue</code> does not have to be a separate
     * function nor must it be limited to using only oData. The work should
     * normally be done inline in the formatter function, but the name of
     * the sample function makes the point clear.</p>
     * @namespace YAHOO.widget
     * @class QuickEditDataTable
     * @extends YAHOO.widget.DataTable
     * @constructor
     * @param elContainer {HTMLElement} Container element for the TABLE.
     * @param aColumnDefs {Object[]} Array of object literal Column definitions.
     * @param oDataSource {YAHOO.util.DataSource} DataSource instance.
     * @param oConfigs {object} (optional) Object literal of configuration values.
    YAHOO.widget.QuickEditDataTable = function(elContainer,aColumnDefs,oDataSource,oConfigs)
    {, elContainer,aColumnDefs,oDataSource,oConfigs); 

        this.hasQEMessages = false;


    var QEDT = YAHOO.widget.QuickEditDataTable,
        quick_edit_re          = /yui-quick-edit-key:([^\s]+)/,
        qe_row_status_prefix   = 'yui-quick-edit-has',
        qe_row_status_pattern  = '(?:^|\\s)(?:' + qe_row_status_prefix + '([a-z]+))(?= |$)',
        qe_row_status_re       = new RegExp(qe_row_status_pattern),
        qe_cell_status_prefix  = 'yui-quick-edit-has',
        qe_cell_status_pattern = '(?:^|\\s)(?:' + qe_cell_status_prefix + '([a-z]+))(?= |$)',
        qe_cell_status_re      = new RegExp(qe_cell_status_pattern);

     * <p>Names of supported status values, highest precedence first.  Default:
     * <code>[ 'error', 'warn', 'success', 'info' ]</code></p>
     * <p>This is static because it links to CSS rules that define the
     * appearance of each status type:  .formmgr-has{status}</p>
     * @config YAHOO.widget.QuickEditDataTable.status_order
     * @type {Array}
     * @static
    QEDT.status_order =

    function getStatusPrecedence(
        /* string */    status)
        for (var i=0; i<QEDT.status_order.length; i++)
            if (status == QEDT.status_order[i])
                return i;

        return QEDT.status_order.length;

    function statusTakesPrecendence(
        /* string */    orig_status,
        /* string */    new_status)
        return (!orig_status || getStatusPrecedence(new_status) < getStatusPrecedence(orig_status));

    var required_class    = 'yiv-required';
    var length_class_re   = /(?:^|\s+)yiv-length:\[([0-9]+)?,([1-9][0-9]*)?\](?:\s+|$)/;
    var integer_class_re  = /(?:^|\s+)yiv-integer(?::\[([-+]?[0-9]+)?,([-+]?[0-9]+)?\])?(?:\s+|$)/;
    var decimal_class_re  = /(?:^|\s+)yiv-decimal(?::\[([-+]?(?:[0-9]+\.?|[0-9]+\.[0-9]+|\.[0-9]+))?,([-+]?(?:[0-9]+\.?|[0-9]+\.[0-9]+|\.[0-9]+))?\])?(?:\s+|$)/;
    var integer_re        = /^[-+]?[0-9]+$/;
    var decimal_re        = /^[-+]?(?:[0-9]+\.?|[0-9]*\.[0-9]+)$/;

    function hasLimit(
        /* string */	s)
        return (!lang.isUndefined(s) && s.length > 0);

    * <p>Map of localizable strings used by pre-validation.</p>
    * <dl>
    * <dt>required_string</dt>
    * <dd>Displayed when <code>yiv-required</code> fails on an input field.</dd>
    * <dt>required_menu</dt>
    * <dd>Displayed when <code>yiv-required</code> fails on a select element.</dd>
    * <dt>length_too_short, length_too_long, length_out_of_range</dt>
    * <dd>Displayed when <code>yiv-length</code> fails on an input field.</dd>
    * <dt>integer, integer_too_small, integer_too_large, integer_out_of_range</dt>
    * <dd>Displayed when <code>yiv-integer</code> fails on an input field.</dd>
    * <dt>decimal, decimal_too_small, decimal_too_large, decimal_out_of_range</dt>
    * <dd>Displayed when <code>yiv-decimal</code> fails on an input field.</dd>
    * </dl>
    * @config YAHOO.widget.QuickEditDataTable.Strings
    * @type {Object}
    * @static
    QEDT.Strings =
        required_string:      'This field requires a value.',
        required_menu:        'This field is required. Choose a value from the pull-down list.',

        length_too_short:     'Enter text that is at least {min} characters or longer.',
        length_too_long:      'Enter text that is up to {max} characters long.',
        length_out_of_range:  'Enter text that is {min} to {max} characters long.',

        integer:              'Enter a whole number (no decimal point).',
        integer_too_small:    'Enter a number that is {min} or higher (no decimal point).',
        integer_too_large:    'Enter a number that is {max} or lower (no decimal point).',
        integer_out_of_range: 'Enter a number between or including {min} and {max} (no decimal point).',

        decimal:              'Enter a number.',
        decimal_too_small:    'Enter a number that is {min} or higher.',
        decimal_too_large:    'Enter a number that is {max} or lower.',
        decimal_out_of_range: 'Enter a number between or including {min} and {max}.'

    QEDT.validateFromCSSData = function(
        /* input */	e,
        /* map */	msg_list)
        var required = Dom.hasClass(e, required_class);
        if (required && e.value === '')
            var msg = null;
            if (msg_list && msg_list.required)
                msg = msg_list.required;
            else if (e.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'select')
                msg = QEDT.Strings.required_menu;
                msg = QEDT.Strings.required_string;
            return { keepGoing: false, error: msg };
        else if (!required && e.value === '')
            return { keepGoing: false };

        if (e.className)
            var m = e.className.match(length_class_re);
            if (m && m.length)
                if (hasLimit(m[1]) && hasLimit(m[2]) &&
                    parseInt(m[1], 10) > parseInt(m[2], 10))
                    alert(' has min_length > max_length');
                else if (!hasLimit(m[1]) && !hasLimit(m[2]))
                    alert(' has yiv_length with no limits');

                var msg     = null;
                var has_min = (hasLimit(m[1]) && m[1] !== '0');
                var has_max = hasLimit(m[2]);

                if (has_min && has_max)
                    msg = QEDT.Strings.length_out_of_range;
                else if (has_min)
                    msg = QEDT.Strings.length_too_short;
                else if (has_max)
                    msg = QEDT.Strings.length_too_long;

                if (e.value && hasLimit(m[1]) &&
                    e.value.length < parseInt(m[1], 10))
                    if (msg_list && msg_list.min_length)
                        msg = msg_list.min_length;
                    msg = lang.substitute(msg, {min: parseInt(m[1], 10), max: parseInt(m[2], 10)});
                    return { keepGoing: false, error: msg };
                if (e.value && hasLimit(m[2]) &&
                    e.value.length > parseInt(m[2], 10))
                    if (msg_list && msg_list.max_length)
                        msg = msg_list.max_length;
                    msg = lang.substitute(msg, {min: parseInt(m[1], 10), max: parseInt(m[2], 10)});
                    return { keepGoing: false, error: msg };

            var m = e.className.match(integer_class_re);
            if (m && m.length)
                if (hasLimit(m[1]) && hasLimit(m[2]) &&
                    parseInt(m[1], 10) > parseInt(m[2], 10))
                    alert(' has min_value > max_value');

                var value   = parseInt(e.value, 10);
                var has_min = hasLimit(m[1]);
                var has_max = hasLimit(m[2]);
                if (e.value &&
                    (!integer_re.test(e.value) ||
                    (has_min && value < parseInt(m[1], 10)) ||
                    (has_max && value > parseInt(m[2], 10))))
                    var msg = null;
                    if (msg_list && msg_list.integer)
                        msg = msg_list.integer;
                    else if (has_min && has_max)
                        msg = QEDT.Strings.integer_out_of_range;
                    else if (has_min)
                        msg = QEDT.Strings.integer_too_small;
                    else if (has_max)
                        msg = QEDT.Strings.integer_too_large;
                        msg = QEDT.Strings.integer;
                    msg = lang.substitute(msg, {min: parseInt(m[1], 10), max: parseInt(m[2], 10)});
                    return { keepGoing: false, error: msg };

            var m = e.className.match(decimal_class_re);
            if (m && m.length)
                if (hasLimit(m[1]) && hasLimit(m[2]) &&
                    parseFloat(m[1]) > parseFloat(m[2]))
                    alert(' has min_value > max_value');

                var value   = parseFloat(e.value);
                var has_min = hasLimit(m[1]);
                var has_max = hasLimit(m[2]);
                if (e.value &&
                    (!decimal_re.test(e.value) ||
                    (has_min && value < parseFloat(m[1])) ||
                    (has_max && value > parseFloat(m[2]))))
                    var msg = null;
                    if (msg_list && msg_list.decimal)
                        msg = msg_list.decimal;
                    else if (has_min && has_max)
                        msg = QEDT.Strings.decimal_out_of_range;
                    else if (has_min)
                        msg = QEDT.Strings.decimal_too_small;
                    else if (has_max)
                        msg = QEDT.Strings.decimal_too_large;
                        msg = QEDT.Strings.decimal;
                    msg = lang.substitute(msg, {min: parseFloat(m[1], 10), max: parseFloat(m[2], 10)});
                    return { keepGoing: false, error: msg };

        return { keepGoing: true };

        initAttributes : function(oConfigs) {

  , oConfigs);

             * @attribute quickEditChangesAlwaysInclude
             * @description Record keys to always include in result from getQuickEditChanges().
             * @type {Array}
             * @default []
            this.setAttributeConfig("quickEditChangesAlwaysInclude", {
                value: [],
                validator: function(value) {
                    return lang.isArray(value);


         * Switch to QuickEdit mode.  Columns that have quickEdit defined will
         * be editable.
         * @method startQuickEdit
        startQuickEdit : function() {


            if (YAHOO.lang.isFunction(this.collapseAllRows)) {

            var cols        = this.getColumnSet().keys;
            this.qeSaveSort = [];
            this.qeSaveEdit = {};
            this.qeSaveFmt  = {};
            var sortable    = false;
            for (var i=0; i<cols.length; i++) {
                var col  = cols[i];
                sortable = sortable || col.sortable;
                col.sortable = false;

                this.qeSaveEdit[ col.key ] = col.editor;
                col.editor                 = null;

                if (!col.hidden && (col.quickEdit || col.qeFormatter)) {
                    var fn;
                    if (col.quickEdit && lang.isFunction(col.quickEdit.formatter)) {
                        fn = col.quickEdit.formatter;
                    else if (lang.isFunction(col.qeFormatter)) {
                        fn = col.qeFormatter;
                    else {
                        fn = QEDT.textQuickEditFormatter;

                    if (fn) {
                        var fmt                 = this._wrapQuickEditFormatter(fn, col.formatter);
                        this.qeSaveFmt[col.key] = col.formatter;
                        col.formatter           = fmt;

            Dom.addClass(this.getContainerEl(), 'yui-dt-quick-edit');
            this.subscribe('tbodyKeyEvent', this._moveQuickEditFocus, null, this);

            var pg = this.get('paginator');
            if (pg) {
                var c = pg.get('containers');
                if (!(c instanceof Array)) {
                    c = [c];
                for (var i=0; i<c.length; i++) {
                    Dom.setStyle(c[i], 'display', 'none');

            if (sortable) {

        _wrapQuickEditFormatter : function(editFmt, origFmt) {

            return function(el, oRecord, oColumn, oData) {
                if (oRecord) {
                    editFmt.apply(this, arguments);
                else {
                    origFmt.apply(this, arguments);

         * Switch out of QuickEdit mode.  THIS DISCARDS ALL DATA!  If you
         * want to save the data, call getQuickEditChanges() BEFORE calling
         * this function.
         * @method cancelQuickEdit
        cancelQuickEdit : function() {


            var cols     = this.getColumnSet().keys;
            var sortable = false;
            for (var i=0; i<cols.length; i++) {
                var col      = cols[i];
                col.sortable = this.qeSaveSort[i];
                sortable     = sortable || col.sortable;
                col.editor   = this.qeSaveEdit[ col.key ];
            delete this.qeSaveSort;
            delete this.qeSaveEdit;

            for (var key in this.qeSaveFmt) {
                if (lang.hasOwnProperty(this.qeSaveFmt, key)) {
                    var col       = this.getColumn(key);
                    col.formatter = this.qeSaveFmt[key];
            delete this.qeSaveFmt;

            Dom.removeClass(this.getContainerEl(), 'yui-dt-quick-edit');
            this.unsubscribe('tbodyKeyEvent', this._moveQuickEditFocus);

            var pg = this.get('paginator');
            if (pg) {
                var c = pg.get('containers');
                if (!(c instanceof Array)) {
                    c = [c];
                for (var i=0; i<c.length; i++) {
                    Dom.setStyle(c[i], 'display', 'block');

            if (sortable) {

         * Return the changed values.  For each row, an object is created
         * with only the changed values.  The object keys are the column
         * keys.  If you need values from particular columns to be included
         * always, even if the value did not change, include the key
         * "quickEditChangesAlwaysInclude" in the DataTable configuration
         * and pass an array of column keys.
         * @method getQuickEditChanges
         * @return {mixed} array if all validation passed, false otherwise
        getQuickEditChanges : function() {

            if (!this.validateQuickEdit()) {
                return false;

            var changes       = [];
            var alwaysInclude = this.get('quickEditChangesAlwaysInclude');

            var tr = this.getFirstTrEl();
            while (tr) {
                var rec  = this.getRecord(tr);
                var list = Dom.getElementsByClassName(quick_edit_re, null, tr);

                var change = {};

                for (var i=0; i<list.length; i++) {
                    var m    = quick_edit_re.exec(list[i].className);
                    var key  = m[1];
                    var col  = this.getColumn(key);
                    var prev = rec.getData(key);

                    var val = list[i].value;
                    if (col.parser) {
                        val =, val);

                    if (col.quickEditChanged ? col.quickEditChanged(prev, val) :
                            val !== (prev ? prev.toString() : '')) {
                        change[key] = val;

                for (var i=0; i<alwaysInclude.length; i++) {
                    var key = alwaysInclude[i];
                    change[key] = rec.getData(key);

                tr = this.getNextTrEl(tr);

            return changes;

         * Copy value from first cell to all other cells in the column.
         * @method _quickEditCopyDown
         * @param e {Event} triggering event
         * @param cell {Element} cell from which to copy
         * @private
        _quickEditCopyDown : function(
            /* event */     e,
            /* element */   cell) {

            var list = Dom.getElementsByClassName(quick_edit_re, null, cell);
            if (!list || !list.length) {

            var value = YAHOO.lang.trim(list[0].value);
            if (!value && value !== 0) {

            while (1) {
                cell = this.getBelowTdEl(cell);
                if (!cell) {

                list = Dom.getElementsByClassName(quick_edit_re, null, cell);
                if (list && list.length) {
                    list[0].value = value;

         * Validate the QuickEdit data.
         * @method validateQuickEdit
         * @return {boolean} true if all validation checks pass
        validateQuickEdit : function() {

            var status = true;

            var e1 = this.getTbodyEl().getElementsByTagName('input');
            var e2 = this.getTbodyEl().getElementsByTagName('textarea');
            var e3 = this.getTbodyEl().getElementsByTagName('select');

            status = this._validateQuickEditElements(e1) && status;	// status last to guarantee call
            status = this._validateQuickEditElements(e2) && status;
            status = this._validateQuickEditElements(e3) && status;

            if (!status) {

            return status;

         * Validate the given form fields.
         * @method _validateQuickEditElements
         * @param e {Array} Array of form fields.
         * @return {boolean} true if all validation checks pass
         * @private
        _validateQuickEditElements : function(
            /* array */ e) {

            var status = true;
            for (var i=0; i<e.length; i++) {
                var col = this.getColumn(e[i]);
                if (!col.quickEdit) {
                var msg_list = col.quickEdit.validation ? col.quickEdit.validation.msg : null;

                var info = QEDT.validateFromCSSData(e[i], msg_list);
                if (info.error) {
                    this.displayQuickEditMessage(e[i], info.error, 'error');
                    status = false;

                if (info.keepGoing) {
                    if (col.quickEdit.validation
                            && col.quickEdit.validation.regex instanceof RegExp
                            && !col.quickEdit.validation.regex.test(e[i].value)) {
                        this.displayQuickEditMessage(e[i], msg_list ? msg_list.regex : null, 'error');
                        status = false;

                if (col.quickEdit.validation
                        && lang.isFunction(col.quickEdit.validation.fn)
                        && !, e[i])) {
                    status = false;

            return status;

         * Clear all validation messages in QuickEdit mode.
         * @method clearQuickEditMessages
        clearQuickEditMessages : function() {

            this.hasQEMessages = false;


            var list = Dom.getElementsByClassName(qe_row_status_re, null, this.getTbodyEl());
            Dom.removeClass(list, qe_row_status_re);

            list = Dom.getElementsByClassName(qe_cell_status_re, null, this.getTbodyEl());
            Dom.removeClass(list, qe_cell_status_re);

            for (var i=0; i<list.length; i++) {
                var m = Dom.getElementsByClassName(QEDT.CLASS_QE_ERROR_TEXT, null, list[i]);
                if (m && m.length > 0) {
                    m[0].innerHTML = '';

         * Display a message for a QuickEdit field.  If an existing message with
         * a higher precedence is already visible, it will not be replaced.
         * @method displayQuickEditMessage
         * @param e {Element} form field
         * @param msg {String} message to display
         * @param type {String} message type: error, warn, success, info
         * @param scroll {boolean} If false, does not scroll, even if this is the first message to display.
        displayQuickEditMessage : function(
            /* element */   e,
            /* string */    msg,
            /* string */    type,
            /* boolean */   scroll) {

            if (lang.isUndefined(scroll)) {
                scroll = true;

            var row = this.getTrEl(e);
            if (statusTakesPrecendence(this._getQuickEditElementStatus(row, qe_row_status_re), type)) {
                if (!this.hasQEMessages && scroll) {

                Dom.replaceClass(row, qe_row_status_re, qe_row_status_prefix + type);
                this.hasQEMessages = true;

            var cell = this.getTdEl(e);
            if (statusTakesPrecendence(this._getQuickEditElementStatus(cell, qe_cell_status_re), type)) {
                if (msg) {
                    var m = Dom.getElementsByClassName(QEDT.CLASS_QE_ERROR_TEXT, null, cell);
                    if (m && m.length > 0) {
                        m[0].innerHTML = msg;

                Dom.replaceClass(cell, qe_cell_status_re, qe_cell_status_prefix + type);
                this.hasQEMessages = true;

         * Return the status of the field.
         * @method _getQuickEditElementStatus
         * @param e {Element} form field
         * @param r {RegExp} regex to match against className
         * @private
        _getQuickEditElementStatus : function(
            /* string/object */ e,
            /* regex */         r) {

            var m = e.className.match(r);
            return ((m && m.length) ? m[1] : false);

         * Shift the focus up/down within a column.
         * @method _moveQuickEditFocus
         * @private
        _moveQuickEditFocus : function(data) {
            var e   = data.event;
            var key = YAHOO.util.Event.getCharCode(e);
            if (e.ctrlKey && (key == 38 || key == 40)) {    // Ctrl-up/down
                var target = YAHOO.util.Event.getTarget(e);
                var cell   = (key == 38 ? this.getAboveTdEl(target) : this.getBelowTdEl(target));
                if (cell) {
                    var input = Dom.getElementsByClassName(quick_edit_re, null, cell)[0];
                    if (input) {

        CLASS_QE_ERROR_TEXT     : 'yui-quick-edit-message-text',
        MARKUP_QE_ERROR_DISPLAY : '<div class="yui-quick-edit-message-text"></div>',

         * Called with exactly the same arguments as any other cell
         * formatter, this function displays an input field.
         * @method textQuickEditFormatter
         * @static
        textQuickEditFormatter : function(el, oRecord, oColumn, oData)
            var markup =
                '<input type="text" class="{yiv} yui-quick-edit yui-quick-edit-key:{key}"/>' +

            el.innerHTML = lang.substitute(markup,
                key: oColumn.key,
                yiv: oColumn.quickEdit.validation ? (oColumn.quickEdit.validation.css || '') : ''

            el.firstChild.value = (oData || '');

            QEDT.copyDownFormatter.apply(this, arguments);

         * Called with exactly the same arguments as any other cell
         * formatter, this function displays a textarea field.
         * @method textareaQuickEditFormatter
         * @static
        textareaQuickEditFormatter : function(el, oRecord, oColumn, oData)
            var markup =
                '<textarea class="{yiv} yui-quick-edit yui-quick-edit-key:{key}"/>' +

            el.innerHTML = lang.substitute(markup,
                key: oColumn.key,
                yiv: oColumn.quickEdit.validation ? (oColumn.quickEdit.validation.css || '') : ''

            el.firstChild.value = (oData || '');

            QEDT.copyDownFormatter.apply(this, arguments);

         * Called with exactly the same arguments as any other cell
         * formatter, this function displays an email address without the
         * anchor tag.  Use this as the column's qeFormatter if the column
         * should not be editable in QuickEdit mode.
         * @method readonlyLinkQuickEditFormatter
         * @static
        readonlyEmailQuickEditFormatter : function(el, oRecord, oColumn, oData)
            el.innerHTML = (oData || '');

         * Called with exactly the same arguments as any other cell
         * formatter, this function displays a link without the anchor tag.
         * Use this as the column's qeFormatter if the column should not be
         * editable in QuickEdit mode.
         * @method readonlyLinkQuickEditFormatter
         * @static
        readonlyLinkQuickEditFormatter : function(el, oRecord, oColumn, oData)
            el.innerHTML = (oData || '');

         * Called with exactly the same arguments as a normal cell
         * formatter, this function inserts a "Copy down" button if the
         * cell is in the first row of the DataTable.  Call this at the end
         * of your QuickEdit formatter.
         * @method copyDownFormatter
         * @static
        copyDownFormatter : function(el, oRecord, oColumn, oData)
            if (oColumn.quickEdit.copyDown &&
                this.getRecordSet().getRecordIndex(oRecord) ==
                var button       = document.createElement('button');
                button.title     = 'Copy down';
                button.innerHTML = '&darr;';

                var msg = Dom.getElementsByClassName(QEDT.CLASS_QE_ERROR_TEXT, null, el)[0];
                el.insertBefore(button, msg);

                YAHOO.util.Event.on(button, 'click', this._quickEditCopyDown, el, this);


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